JAKARTA - Pertamina strengthened its steps in the energy transition, by presenting flagship products for green energy-Pertamina Renewable Diesel (Pertamina RD) which will soon reach the European market.

Pertamina Renewable Diesel's debut in the international realm began with the initial shipment of exports of HVO products to Singapore from August to October 2022. In addition, the Pertamina Group is also conducting an assessment of Pertamina RD's sales cooperation to the European market.

President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati explained that the penetration effort into the European market was a collaboration between several Pertamina Subholdings, namely PT Pertamina International Refinery, PT Pertamina Internasional Shipping, and PT Pertamina Patra Niaga through Pertamina International Marketing & Distribution (PIMD).

"Pertamina RD, which is the latest flagship product for HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil), has been launched and has been used to support the international event Jakarta E-Prix 2022 on June 4, 2022," he told the media, Monday, October 3.

He continued, this product is a superior environmentally friendly product produced by BioRefinery Cilacap and Biorefinery Dumai.

The Cilacap refinery currently has the ability to generate HVO up to 3000 barrels per day and is targeted to continue to increase to 6000 barrels/day in 2026, while BioRefinery Dumai has a production capacity of HVO to 1,000 barrels per day.

Nicke added that the HVO produced by PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional has confirmed its reliability by obtaining the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC), which is proof that this product contributes to reducing carbon emissions so that it deserves to be referred to as green products.

ISCC's sustainable carbon certification was initiated by the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) policies implemented in the European Union.

In addition to HVO, Pertamina Refinery has also been able to produce Bioavtur or Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). The development of these two products is one of Pertamina's strategic steps in supporting the national energy transition as well as responding to the challenges of green energy demand such as HVO and SAF which are starting to grow in various countries.

As the largest energy SOE in the country, continued Nicke, Pertamina continues to be committed and contributes to supporting the Government's program to accelerate the energy transition, in line with one of the main focuses of Indonesia's G20 Presidency in 2022.

Indonesia's G20 Presidency encourages action to accelerate the clean energy transition as the key in achieving zero carbon or carbon neutral emissions by 2060.

"Pertamina is an integrated energy company that has a strong commitment to the energy transition to renewable energy in accordance with Indonesia's net zero emission target by 2060," said Nicke.

Nicke said the energy transition must be well planned, to ensure energy security and energy accessibility for the entire community is maintained.

According to Nicke, to encourage the growth of new & renewable energy in the national energy mix, Pertamina has designed a green transition roadmap and developed 3 main business pillars, namely the Low Carbon Solutions Program, New Energy Development & Renewable and EV Ecosystem Development.

Pertamina, continued Nicke, supports the Nationally Determined Contribution target in the form of reducing emissions by 29 percent by 2030 and the vision of Net Zero Emission Indonesia, through various initiatives both internally and in collaboration between SOEs.

In the period 2010-2021, Pertamina was able to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) to 7.4 million tons of equivalent.

This is in line with efforts to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that causes global warming and climate change, sea concurrentry, and the loss of biodiversity.

At the national level, the Green Refinery program is targeted to support the government's program in the 2025 'General National Energy Plan' related to decarbonization and new renewable energy growth. Meanwhile, at the global level, the development of HVO's vegetable fuel products is also projected to be able to reduce emissions by 78 thousand tons of CO2/year based on the NDC target in 2030 and Net Zero Emission (NZE) in 2060.

Pertamina also continues to be committed to managing the development of Biorefinery through other refinery units.

As is known, Biorefinery is Pertamina's clean energy project where refinery processing uses raw materials in the form of renewable feedstocks such as RBDPO ( palm oil) to UCO (infectious oil) in order to produce fuel that is more environmentally friendly.

Clean energy products managed by PT KPI include Green Gasoline at PT KPI Plaju and Cilacap Units, Green Diesel at PT KPI Dumai Unit, and Green Avtur J2 at PT KPI Unit Cilacap.

"Pertamina will ensure that the energy transition is fair, orderly, and affordable for Indonesia," concluded Nicke.

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