JAKARTA - PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk through its business unit PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI) continues to encourage the implementation of energy efficiency and conservation in the company's production process.

GIS utilizes urban waste in a facility located in Tritih Lor, Jeruklegi District, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, as an alternative fuel (RDF) in the manufacture of cement at the SBI factory in Cilacap.

"Utilizing waste into alternative fuel is a solution for the maintenance and better management of the community environment", said SIG Corporate Secretary, Vita Mahreyni, in a statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 29.

Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) technology is a sustainable waste management effort that can convert waste into renewable alternative energy and can reduce CO2 emissions.

According to Vita, the municipal solid waste (MSW) facility in RDF is capable of managing 160 tons of domestic waste per day, which can produce 70 tons of RDF. Meanwhile, RDF will be able to replace the use of coal up to 5-6 percent.

For this effort, the company won the 2022 ASEAN Energy Awards (AEA) as the 2nd Runner Up, the Large Industries subcategory, and the Energy Management in Buildings and Industries category.

The success in obtaining this award cannot be separated from the Cilacap Factory SBI initiative in implementing an energy conservation program with ISO 50001:2018 standards, namely standards for managing energy performance including energy efficiency and consumption, using a Management System model with a PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) cycle approach for continuous improvement.

"This award is a form of appreciation as well as motivation for us to provide solutions that not only meet the expectations of stakeholders but become a driving force in the growth of the building material industry that pays attention to sustainability", said Vita.

In the 2022 ASEAN Energy Awards, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources sent 13 proposals which were the winners of the 2021 Subroto Energy Efficiency Award.

Indonesia won 10 awards in various categories. SBI Cilacap factory became one of 10 companies from Indonesia that won the award.

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