JAKARTA - Negotiations regarding the determination of the boundaries of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) between Indonesia and Vietnam have been going on for quite a long time. First held on May 21, 2010, the meeting that has been held dozens of times is now starting to reach a bright spot.

It is known that the Indonesian and Vietnamese Technical Teams had negotiated 14th in mid-July 2022 and that the Indonesian side was reportedly ready to make concessions to facilitate the negotiation process.

Responding to the news, members of the Indonesian House of Representatives expressed their shock and anger. Syarif Abdulllah Alkadrie, a member of the Nasdem faction of the Indonesian House of Representatives, regretted that the Indonesian House of Representatives was not involved in resolving maritime conflicts with Vietnam.

"This is a matter of sovereignty, it is non-negotiable, so it is the obligation of the DPR-RI to be involved, because it is the representative of the people," said Syarif, quoted Monday, September 20.

Syarif Abdulllah Alkadrie warned the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to provide an explanation to Commission I of the DPR RI and the public.

Meanwhile, the negotiation process between the two countries is considered not transparent by some parties. This is because the results of the negotiations seem not to be updated to the public.

According to a member of Commission I of the DPR, Sukamta, this issue should be carried out in a transparent manner and there is a communication process to the public.

"The position of Indonesia's claim in the disputed area of the North Natuna Sea is already legally strong internationally, I hope that the government will not give concessions to Vietnam, which harms Indonesian fishermen and sovereignty," said Sukamta.

According to Syarif Abdulllah Alkadrie, the determination of the EEZ limit will have an impact on two sides. Namely in terms of sovereignty and also an economic aspect.

First, the aspect of sovereignty. It should be noted that the determination of national boundaries is a sensitive issue because it involves the celebration of many people and also so that a country can find out whether the territory is in their territory or not so that a law can be implemented in accordance with the constitution of the country concerned.

Second, the economic side. Indonesia as a maritime country rich in marine resources is certainly very dependent on the marine and fisheries sector to fill the country's treasury and also for the sake of economic stability. Even in terms of individual terms, according to Syarif Alqadie, there will be many fishermen who are affected if this concession becomes a mutual agreement.

In negotiations, the fishing camp will become the most disadvantaged group. This statement was conveyed by the traditional fishing organization of the Indonesian Fishermen's Union (SNI).

"This means that Indonesia has lost its territory, our sovereign rights have been harmed, the fishing area has been reduced so that fishery resources are reduced, our fishermen's lives will be more difficult," said Secretary General of SNI, Budi Laksana.

This is because areas where fishermen can fish, will decrease significantly and will effectively reduce their income as well.

The progress of the economy in the fisheries sector needs to be re-evaluated by the Indonesian side, so that our country does not actually suffer.

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