JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation allocated a budget of IDR 1.59 trillion to support the implementation of the sea highway program in 2023. The budget is for 158 trayeks (public transport tracks) consisting of the sea, pioneering, and livestock toll transportation.

"The details of the Rp1.59 trillion budget are divided into 35 sea toll roads, 117 pioneering routes, and six animal transportation routes", said Director General of Sea Transportation, Arif Toha in a hearing meeting with Commission V of the House of Representatives (DPR), Thursday, September 1.

Arif said the Directorate General of Sea Transportation continues to strive to improve the connectivity of sea transportation in Indonesia through several programs. One of them is the sea highway transportation program.

As of August 2022, Arif continued, the realization of sea toll transportation reached 13,059 TEUs for departing cargo and 4,679 TEUs for the realization of counter loads.

Meanwhile, for pioneering sea transportation, it was recorded that there were 443,685 passengers and 51,614 tons of cargo or goods served by PT Pelni in 44 plots.

Meanwhile, for private pioneer ships in 73 trayeks, the number of passenger realization was recorded at 180,185 people and 797,077 tons of cargo or goods.

By the Government Work Plan (RKP) in 2023, which is to increase productivity for inclusive and sustainable economic transportation, said Arif, the Ministry of Transportation has also allocated a budget of IDR 1.82 trillion for the construction and development of ports.

In 2023, continued Arif, the Ministry of Transportation's work program in the port sector includes the development of port facilities in 19 locations; completion of port facilities in five locations; replacement of port facilities in three locations; rehabilitation of port facilities in 15 locations; construction of Patimban ports and emergency assistance loans for rehabilitation and reconstruction Patoloan Port, Donggala and Wani.

"The construction of 46 ports includes the development and completion of ports, port facilities with a budget of IDR 1.2 trillion in 2023 as part of the strategic plan of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation", said Arif.

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