MAKASSAR - Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance of South, West and Southeast Sulawesi (Sulselbartra) noted that the realization of tax revenues in three provinces in the January-July 2022 period reached Rp9.7 trillion. This amount is equivalent to 66.21 percent of the target of Rp14.66 trillion.

"By the end of July 2022, it has reached Rp9.7 trillion or around 66.21 percent," said Head of the Data and Tax Potential Supervision Division of the South Sulawesi Regional DJP Regional Office, Soebagio, quoted by Antara from Makassar, Sunday, August 28.

He detailed tax revenues based on provinces, namely in South Sulawesi of IDR 7.1 trillion or 67.08 percent of the target of IDR 10.7 trillion.

In West Sulawesi Province, the tax revenue target of Rp942 billion with realization until the end of July was Rp393 billion or 41.69 percent which grew 19.85 percent from the same period the previous year.

In Southeast Sulawesi, the revenue target was IDR 2.9 trillion and reached IDR 2.02 trillion or 68.51 percent.

This acceptance also grew 60.16 percent from the same period the previous year.

"The realization of the acceptance is already good, on the track is above 60 percent, only in West Sulawesi Province it is still below 50 percent. But we are optimistic that the target will be achieved by the end of the year," he said.

He explained that South Sulawesi tax revenues came from the five largest sectors, namely large trade and retail; government administration and mandatory social security; other service activities; manufacturing industry; financial and insurance services; and others.

Soebagio detailed that in the big trade sector and retail, his tax contribution reached Rp1.9 trillion and contributed 27.27 percent or grew 79.31 percent from the same period the previous year, which was at Rp1.09 trillion.

Then, government administration and mandatory social security, the contribution is Rp861 billion or 11.94 percent compared to Rp692 billion in 2021 and grew 24.41 percent.

In the other service activity sector, its contribution was Rp. 716.6 billion (9.83 percent) compared to Rp. 116.5 billion in 2021 which grew 518.88 percent.

The manufacturing sector, its contribution reached Rp650.2 billion (9.01 percent) compared to Rp579.5 billion in 2021 or grew 12.20 percent.

In the financial services and insurance sectors, the tax contribution reached Rp635.2 billion (8.80 percent) compared to Rp550.8 billion in 2021 or grew by around 15.53 percent and others which reached Rp2.3 trillion (33.05 percent) compared to Rp1.9 trillion which grew 21.44 percent.

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