JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani gave the latest information regarding the polemic of the Pertalite type of fuel subsidy which is now almost running out.

In his explanation, the Minister of Finance said that most of Pertalite's subsidies did not succeed in targeting lower-class groups of society as targeted by the government.

“As many as 86 percent or the equivalent of Rp. 80 trillion in subsidies in Pertalite, which enjoy the top 30 percent of the people or the rich. Even though this subsidy (pertalite) is only IDR 93 trillion," he said when attending a working meeting with the DPD RI on Thursday, August 25.

The state treasury detailed that the price of pertalite being sold is currently Rp. 7,650 per liter. In fact, the economic figure has reached Rp. 14,450 per liter.

"The difference of IDR 6,800 is the value we have to pay to Pertamina as a subsidy," he said.

The Minister of Finance also said that the pertalite quota provided by the government would not be sufficient until the end of the year considering the high consumption rate in line with the rapid recovery of the national economy.

"For Pertalite whose quota is 23 million kiloliters, until the end of July, 16.8 million kiloliters have been used up. This means that every month it runs out 2.4 million kilo liters. If we follow this pattern, it will be finished by the end of September," he said.

Similar conditions also occur in other types of subsidized fuel, namely diesel. According to him, the subsidized diesel allocation for 2022 is 15.1 million kilo liters.

Meanwhile, until last July the absorption rate had reached 9.98 million kilo liters.

"Solar is the same, if you follow the existing trend, October will run out," he said.

"So I emphasize that the government did not revoke the subsidy, but indeed the Rp502 trillion (budget) money has run out. The question now is whether to add (more subsidies) or not? if so where does the money come from? Have to owe? So we are all asked by the President to calculate very carefully," said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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