JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said, Indonesia is one of the countries that has succeeded in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, and the economic situation in the country.

In addition, said Jokowi, Indonesia has also succeeded in suppressing the rate of inflation in the midst of the current global challenges.

“Inflation was also successfully controlled in the range of 4.9 percent. This figure is far below the ASEAN average inflation which is around 7 percent. Far below the inflation of developed countries, which is around 9 percent," said Jokowi at the MPR Annual Session, Joint Session of the DPR RI-DPD RI, Tuesday, August 16.

In fact, Jokowi continued, until the middle of 2022, the state revenue and expenditure budget (APBN) also has a surplus of Rp. 106 trillion.

"Therefore, the government is able to provide subsidies for fuel, LPG, and electricity, amounting to IDR 502 trillion in 2022, so that the price of fuel in the community does not soar," he said.

In addition, Jokowi said, the Indonesian economy also managed to grow positively at 5.44 percent in the second quarter of 2022. Where the trade balance is also in surplus for 27 consecutive months, and in the first semester of 2022 the surplus is around Rp. 364 trillion.

"We should be grateful for this achievement. Indonesia's economic fundamentals remain very good in the midst of a turbulent world economy," he said.

However, Jokowi asked all his staff to remain vigilant and careful. He also requested that all major agendas continue.

“We really have to stay alert and have to stay careful. But on the other hand, we must continue with the nation's big agendas to achieve Advanced Indonesia," he said.

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