JAKARTA - A number of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) managed to rank at the top of the list of the 100 largest companies according to Fortune Indonesia Magazine based on revenue for the 2021 fiscal year. The companies are Pertamina to Telkom.

SOE Minister Erick Thohir said that in the list of the 100 biggest companies, there are five big ones dominated by SOEs. Among them are Pertamina in first place, PLN in second place, then in fourth and fifth places there are BRI and Telkom Indonesia.

Then, continued Erick, beyond that, there is Bank Mandiri in sixth place and MIND ID in tenth position. Then, Pupuk Indonesia ranked 13th, BNI ranked 14th, Semen Indonesia ranked 26th, and Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) ranked 27th.

While Krakatau Steel is at number 30, BTN is 32nd, KAI is 46th, Wijaya Karya is 47th, PT PP is 50th, Jasa Marga is 60th, Kimia Farma is 72nd, Waskita Karya is 78th, and Adhi 83rd work.

Erick said this was an extraordinary achievement and clear evidence of the successful transformation of SOEs. Where out of 20 of the 100 largest companies released by Fortune, they are state-owned enterprises.

"Alhamdulillah, this transformation can contribute more to the country," said Erick in Jakarta, Thursday, August 11.

Fortune's report actually provides a positive picture for the Indonesian economy. This is because, said Erick, as many as 80 companies in the top 100 managed to record revenue growth in 2021. Even though on the same list in 2020, only 30 companies managed to record revenue growth.

"Interestingly, Fortune considers the formation of a number of BUMN holdings to have a major impact in increasing revenue growth for BUMN," said Erick.

The transformation of SOEs also has a direct impact on Indonesia's economic growth of 5.44 percent year on year (yoy) in the second quarter of 2022, based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).

With the total assets of SOEs reaching around Rp. 9,000 trillion in 2021, the contribution of SOEs to GDP reaches 53 percent. Interestingly, in addition to recording profit growth, SOEs continue to carry out their functions as a driving force for projects that absorb labor in the midst of the pessimistic attitude of people who have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the pandemic, continued Erick, SOEs have massively been able to create job opportunities in a number of large projects, such as the Balikpapan refinery development master plan (RDMP) which absorbs 19 thousand workers, downstream coal into DME which absorbs 10 thousand workers. , Freeport Gresik's copper smelter which absorbs up to 40 thousand workers.

Then the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) also recorded the absorption of up to 200 thousand workers, as well as the construction of the Mandalika SEZ where InJourney as the core of organizing the MotoGP international event was able to absorb 4,500 local workers.

Erick said that the most spectacular thing is actually the absorption of labor through PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) which is able to create jobs for 12.7 million mothers in 2021 and will be pushed to reach 20 million by 2024.

"SOEs as a third of Indonesia's economic power must be able to appear in maintaining economic growth, market balance, and most importantly ensuring job creation can continue to occur," said Erick.

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