JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI, Bambang Hermanto, asked for a revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 191 of 2014 concerning the Supply, Distribution and Retail Selling Price of Fuel Oil (BBM) to clarify the allocation, distribution, and pricing at the user level.

In addition, this revision is expected to bring about a significant change in the distribution of subsidized fuel which is currently problematic and there is a shortage in some areas.

"The allocation concerns the number, volume and value of the subsidy, the data base must be clear whether it is taken from the population, the number of vehicles, or based on the calculation of research results. This figure will be used as the basis for calculating the subsidy figure," he said in an official statement, Monday August 1st.

He added that an important component in the regulation of fuel is the issue of price and it must be explicitly stated in the new Presidential Regulation later.

"The price component is an element that must be included in this change in the Presidential Regulation, so that people can get price certainty," Bambang continued.

He also reiterated that this Petpres can clarify the allocation of subsidies, both in amount and value, as well as clarify who the recipients are and can provide time and price certainty.

With this certainty, he continued, the business world also has business certainty. And in the end, subsidized fuel can be accessed by the rightful group with the right target.

Asked whether there is a shortage of Pertalite and Solar in his constituencies (Indramayu and Cirebon), Bambang answered, the two types of fuel are still difficult to obtain.

"If there is, the number is very limited," he concluded.

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