JAKARTA - Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan supports the involvement of BUMD in maintaining food security in the region and encourages BUMD to develop digital-based sales.

This view was conveyed by the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan when receiving the management of the All-Indonesian Multi-Business BUMD Association (Perdasi) chaired by Pamrihadi Wiraryo at the Ministry of Trade Office, Friday 29 July. Together with several other members of the Perdasi board, Pamrihadi as the General Chairperson submitted several proposals to the Ministry of Trade.

He hoped that the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) would also encourage regional heads to support the formation of various business enterprises or enterprises engaged in the food sector by providing sufficient capital to absorb various food commodities and distribute them evenly to the public.

In addition, the Perdasi also submitted several other proposals to the Ministry of Trade. Some of the proposals include requesting that the Perdasi be given import quotas for commodities of meat, soybeans and garlic. The reason is that so far the distribution of basic materials has only been carried out by Bulog.

"These various commodities are still in deficit, therefore we propose that BUMD be given an import quota of 5-10 percent of the quota needs in each region. In principle, BUMDs will commit to the synergy between the Ministry of Trade and BUMDs in stabilizing food prices and controlling inflation through the assignment of BUMDs to intervene in commodities that contribute to inflation in traditional markets," said Pamrihadi in his official statement, quoted on Saturday, July 30.

In addition, the Perdasi also asks the Ministry of Trade to involve BUMD if there is a shortage of certain commodities in the market. If necessary, the Ministry of Trade can directly assign BUMDs to carry out market operations and government programs and funding subsidies.

"So far, the role of market operations has been carried out by the agency, but there are difficulties in subsidizing funds," he said. Then the Perdasi also asked the Ministry of Trade to facilitate BUMD in trade exhibition activities organized by ITPC offices and trade trades abroad.

"Don't forget, BUMD has the task of raising superior products and MSMEs in each region. Therefore, it would be better if there was a trade exhibition offered to BUMD first," he said. Lastly, the Perdasi proposed a synergy between the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Religion to prioritize domestic products, especially BUMD in the service of Umrah and Hajj pilgrims. For the next Umrah, catering must use products in Indonesia. For that we will write to the Ministry of Religion to give priority to BUMD to fulfill these products," he said.

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