JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) through the Directorate of State Assets (DJKN), as a government agency tasked with managing state property (BMN), has opened its voice over the polemic over the control of Halim Perdanakusuma Airport involving the Indonesian Air Force and the Lion Group.

Director of State Property DJKN Encep Sudarwan considered that this issue arose because of a misperception of the management of BMN.

"This may be a little missed," he said when giving a statement to the media crew through a virtual channel on Friday, July 22.

According to Encep, based on applicable regulations, every use of BMN must obtain legal approval from the Ministry of Finance.

"That which is called the use of BMN, in principle, must obtain approval from the Minister of Finance as the manager of goods. So, other agencies want the TNI, Polri, all of which are the status of users of goods. Well, if we are the managers of the goods, "he said.

Encep also ensured that his party would seek communication with related parties in order to unravel the polemics that occurred in the field.

"We will hold a meeting with them first to see what the problem is," said Encep.

To note, the Ministry of Finance through DJKN is a government institution assigned to manage state property. In carrying out its duties, DJKN opens up opportunities for the use of this BMN to other government agencies.

As in the context of Halim Perdanakusuma Airport, its use was then handed over to the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan). Then, the Ministry of Defense handed over the technical use to the TNI, in this case the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU).

Meanwhile, the latest polemic arose because the Indonesian Air Force was suspected of having given control rights to Halim Airport to a subsidiary of the Lion Group from previously PT Angkasa Pura II.

Based on information compiled by the editors, Lion Group is believed to have submitted a requirement of around IDR 17 billion to be able to 'enter' the airport, which is currently being renovated.

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