JAKATRTA - The former aide to the former Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mochamad Ardian Noervianto, Ochtavian Runia Pelealu admitted that he had delivered Singapore dollars in envelopes to his superiors.

Ochtavian testified for two defendants, namely Mochamad Ardian Noervianto who was charged with receiving a bribe of Rp. 1.5 billion and the Head of the Muna Regency Environmental Service, La Ode M. Syukur Akbar. La Ode M also received a bribe of Rp175 million from the inactive East Kolaka Regent Andi Merya and LM Rusdianto Emba related to the approval of the PEN loan fund for the East Kolaka district in 2021.

"Mr. Syukur said 'This is a deposit for the Director General, he has coordinated with the Director General'. Then I said that when I coordinated with the Director General, I would go directly to the Director General but he convinced me by showing me the WhatsApp chat by showing the words 'trust with Ochta' Then Pak Syukur took out a brown envelope from his pocket, he said Singapore dollars," said Ochtavian at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Antara, Thursday, July 21.

Syukur is the Head of the Muna La Ode Regency Environmental Service, M. Syukur Akbar, who is also a defendant in this case.

"He (Gratitude) came on June 20, 2021, around 20.00. At that time, Mr. Ardian was isoman because he had COVID-19, he returned from Jayapura," said Ochta.

Ochta believed in Syukur's statement regarding the deposit because he had several times met with Syukur at the Ministry of Home Affairs Office to conduct consultations on regional loan loans.

"The envelope containing the money then I put it in the cupboard. The next morning, on Monday I took it to the office along with other documents that the Director General asked to bring to the residence for signature, then I took it to the residence of the Director General," added Ochta.

The envelope containing the money was also attached by Ochta to the documents that were brought to the residence. Ochta came to Ardian's residence together with Bagas Azis who was also Ardian's aide.

"We then went to the second floor, then I put it on the table with other documents. Just talking about COVID-19 and I asked how the condition was, then he said thank you and don't forget to wash your hands so it's a goody bag and all documents are left there, everything," Okta explained.

Ochta also admitted that he had been directed by Ardian not to admit that the contents of the envelope were Singapore dollars.

"When examined, there was once only a two-way communication between me and the Director General. The Director General asked, 'What did the investigators ask?' what's in it?'. I didn't tell you. Dad said 'Oh if you say you know it's in it, it'll stop with you, so you better say you don't know so that it stops with Thanksgiving'," Ochta said.

In addition to asking Ochta not to admit the contents of the envelope containing Singapore dollars, Ochta also admitted that Ardian had asked that the time for giving the envelope be the same as that of the Head of Sub-Directorate General of Regional Financial Development named Ana.

"In fact, what Mrs. Ana gave was a document, not an envelope," said Ochta.

The indictment stated that on June 18, 2021, Laode M. Syukur exchanged Rp1.5 billion for 131,000 Singapore dollars, then put it in a brown envelope.

Then Laode M. Syukur contacted Ardian by phone and asked, "What about the East Kolaka PEN recommendation, bro?" Then Ardian answered, "Not yet bro, this week yes".

Laode M. Syukur then said, "This is from friends who convey their commitment."

He then replied, "I'm isoman, just give it to Okta or Mrs. Ana."

At Ardian's direction, on June 20, 2021 at around 19.40 WIB, Laode M. Syukur handed over 131,000 Singapore dollars in a brown envelope to Ardian's aide named Ochtavian Runia Pelealu in his boarding room, namely Jalan Pintu Air V No. 33A Pasar Baru, Jakarta Center to give to Ardian.

On June 21, 2021, Ochtavian and his colleague Bagas Azis took the money together with other files in a goody bag to Ardian's house, then accompanied by Muhammad Dani (Ardian's personal driver) went up to the 2nd floor, then Ochtavian conveyed it to Ardian.

"Sir, there is a document and a deposit from Kak Syukur Akbar," he said, then answered, "Just keep it on the table."

Next Ochtavian put the money and other files on the table.

Still on the same day at around 10.30 WIB, Ochtavian reported via WhatsApp phone to Laode M. Gratitude that the money had been received by Ardian. In addition, Ardian also contacted Laode M. Thank you for a WhatsApp video call", then said while showing his thumb, "Bro, I have received it from Octa."

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