JAKARTA - Chair of the Indonesian Pesisir Selatan Regency (HKTI) Pesisir Selatan Regency, Eri Nofriadi, said the acceleration of repair and provision of good irrigation is one of the right steps in efforts to reduce poverty.

The availability of good and adequate irrigation can automatically increase the productivity of rice fields which in turn increase farmers' income, because the majority of the poor currently come from farming families.

"This means that if the harvest is abundant, of course the yields received by farmers are also relatively high and are able to meet the needs of their own households," said Eri Nofriadi as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, July 17.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for the period March 2022, most of the poor people in West Sumatra and the South Coast are in rural areas, with professions as farmers, including food crop farmers.

They are not able to meet basic needs such as clothing, housing, education, health and other basic needs, because the results of their agricultural business are less than the cost of their daily needs.

This condition is also reflected in the farmer's exchange rate index in the food crops sub-sector which is below 100.

Production costs and daily costs incurred are higher than agricultural business income.

He continued that the availability of good irrigation automatically increases land productivity.

This will also increase the income and economic welfare of farmers, along with the increase in the number of harvests.

So far, the harvest can only be used to secure their food needs, due to low land productivity.

In addition, the planting rhythm is also low due to the lack of adequate irrigation for farming.

"Of course it affects their income. As a result, farming families get out of the poverty trap. They become vulnerable to price fluctuations for other basic needs," he explained.

Therefore, he assessed that the discourse of cooperation between Bank Nagari and the Pesisir Selatan Regency Government regarding efforts to accelerate the provision of good irrigation conditions must be realized immediately.

The collaboration of Bank Nagari as a financing institution and the Pesisir Selatan Regency Government regarding the provision of good irrigation should receive support from all parties and interest groups.

HKTI is optimistic that this step can free families from the cycle of poverty, in line with the increase in production.

On the other hand, and the ideals of regional independence through leading sectors can be achieved.

"We are optimistic that the Gross Regional Domestic Revenue (GDP) target for the leading sector will increase according to the target," he said.

Bank Nagari stated that it is ready to finance the acceleration of the development of basic agricultural infrastructure such as irrigation in Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra.

Head of Bank Nagari Painan Branch Helfi Yandrika conveyed that the readiness was in line with the spirit and spirit of establishing the BUMD in the banking sector as a regional development bank.

"We have previously financed infrastructure development in Muko-Muko Regency, Bengkulu," said Helfi.

The South Coast has abundant agricultural potential, especially the food crop sub-sector and a contributor to GRDP every year.

Moreover, Bank Nagari assessed that for the last two years the district government was able to manage the balance sheet well, which was reflected in the decreasing debt ratio in the APBD.

Pesisir Selatan also has moderate fiscal strength, allowing the regions to access financing for accelerated development from third parties, both banks and non-banks.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra, Rusma Yul Anwar welcomed Bank Nagari's readiness to finance the acceleration of irrigation development in the area.

According to the regional regent, it is necessary to finance the acceleration of development as an instrument of economic recovery after COVID-19, especially in the midst of the limitations of the regional budget.

"This is good news. We will discuss TAPD regarding regional needs and readiness," said the regent.

The Regent said that the agricultural sector, especially the food crops sub-sector, is still the backbone of the regional economy or the biggest contributor to annual growth.

More than that, it absorbs up to 40 percent of the workforce in the South Coast, so it takes various stimulants and strategic policies to maintain its existence.

Upstream-downstream food crop agriculture is also asked to be a runway for regional independence by preparing an area of 15,000 hectares that has high agricultural support.

The district government believes that improved irrigation can accelerate the rate of agricultural GRDP as one of the leading sectors besides the manufacturing industry.

"Well, with the support of irrigation development financing from third parties, of course the growth will be faster," explained the regent.

Based on available data, the availability of irrigation with good conditions in Pesisir Selatan is only 57 percent. The RPJMD 2021-2026 targets the amount of irrigation in good condition to reach 66.7 percent.

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