JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade welcomes the efforts of marketplace platforms such as GoTo in creating a digital trading ecosystem that connects the public with business actors throughout Indonesia.

"The Ministry of Trade will also encourage education and socialization of the use of electronic commerce (e-commerce)," said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan in a statement, quoted from Antara, Sunday, July 17.

The Trade Minister conveyed this when receiving GoTo's directors, namely GoTo CEO Andre Soelistyo and Tokopedia CEO William Tanuwijaya.

Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan appreciated the efforts of marketplace platforms in inviting business actors, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs), to join the electronic commerce (e-commerce) ecosystem.

Minister of Trade Zulhas also invited market workshop platforms to support digitization efforts that are being developed by the Ministry of Trade through the One Million Traders Thousand Stalls program plan.

The Minister of Trade also hopes that electronic commerce can be maximized to improve the welfare of business actors through expanding market access.

"The use of electronic commerce can be used to revive the domestic economy, especially during the post-COVID-19 economic recovery period," said Zulkifli Hasan.

Zulhas, the close nickname for the Minister of Trade, said that the effort to digitize business actors and SMEs was designed by the Ministry of Trade through One Million Traders of One Thousand Stalls.

He said, the marketplace ecosystem that has been built by service provider platforms such as GoTo will now really help accelerate the achievement of the digitization targets set by the government.

"We hope that the existing market workshops can support the efforts of the Ministry of Trade to accelerate efforts to digitize business actors and SMEs," said the Minister of Trade.

Market workshops with their extensive network throughout Indonesia, continued the Minister of Trade, must also be developed to support the distribution of local businesses throughout Indonesia, so that business actors can earn better income.

Trade Minister Zulhas also expressed his desire to visit Pasar Baru Cicalengka in Soreang, Bandung, to review the implementation of digitalization of the GoTo fostered people's market. Pasar Baru Cicalengka was formerly known as Pasar Sehat Sabilulungan.

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