JAKARTA - The Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Agung Krisdiyanto, emphasized the importance of the industrial sector immediately carrying out an economic transformation to a more "green" direction, namely by implementing the Circular Economy concept. Moreover, he said, currently the global community is faced with the problem of limited primary resources, in the form of water, energy, and raw materials.

"The circular economy is the answer to the industrial world for the Green Economy, Sustainable Development Goals, and commitment to environmental sustainability," said Agung when conducting field verification regarding the implementation of a circular economy in the manufacturing industry sector, namely PT Fajar Surya Wisesa, in Cikarang Bekasi, Thursday 14 July.

For information, the circular economy is a new industrial model, which focuses on reducing, reusing, and recycling, which leads to the reduction of primary resource consumption and waste production. This concept is not only focused on waste treatment, but also uses the production process, where raw materials can be used repeatedly so that there is a large saving, especially for natural resources.

Indonesia has adopted a circular economy into its development vision and strategy, particularly in the five industrial sectors. Namely, food and beverage, construction, electronics, textiles, and plastics. In its implementation, the government includes a circular economy as one of the development priorities in the 2020-2024 RPJMN.

Agung said that the implementation of a circular economy provides many advantages for the industrial sector. Such as the efficiency of raw materials, increased production of recyclable goods, prevention of illegal waste generation and emissions, and the creation of new jobs.

"The results of the Bappenas study in 2021, the implementation of the circular economy concept can create 4.4 million new jobs, and has the potential to increase GDP to 642 trillion rupiah in 2030. So it's time for our industrial sector to change the concept of a linear economy into a circular one," he said.

On the same occasion, Director of PT Fajar Surya Wisesa Yustinus Kusumah admitted that the application of circularity in the industrial sector, especially manufacturing, had become a must, in order to remain at the forefront of facing competition. Because, he explained, consumers today do not only look at product quality, but also pay attention to environmental aspects.

"For this reason, we continue to optimize the industry, which in the production process prioritizes efficiency and effectiveness in using resources in a sustainable manner," said Yustinus.

PT Fajar Surya Wisesa itself is a manufacturing industry that produces packaging paper, using recycled paper as raw material. In addition to supplying large companies in Indonesia, thirty percent of production is also exported to a number of countries.

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