JAKARTA - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo has set an allocation for the use of funds from the State Capital Investment (PMN) of IDR 1.2 trillion. The plan is that the company will support the construction of the Bali Maritime Tourism Hub (BMTH), particularly through dredging the channel and port pool.

Pelindo Corporate Secretariat Ali Mulyono said that the government's support in developing the BMTH will have a direct economic impact on the local government, central government, and the community, starting from local tax receipts, foreign exchange from foreign tourists, to the growth of MSMEs in the Bali area and its surroundings.

"From the beginning, the construction of the BMTH was intended to provide a kind of chain impact to support the development of the tourism economy in the Bali area so as to increase the income of residents through the development of MSMEs and the government," he said in an official statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 12.

His party not only accelerated development on the land side, but also focused on building facilities on the sea side, especially ponds and ship lanes.

Development on the sea side is considered very crucial considering that BMTH is projected to be able to serve cruise ships with a length of up to 350 meters and carry passengers up to 6,000 people, thus providing a significant economic impact.

"We will continue to speed up the dredging of grooves and ponds in the BMTH area in tandem with the construction of facilities on the land side. Later the BMTH channel and pool area will be evenly distributed to minus 12 Meter Low Water Spring (MLWS) from minus 9 MLWS, so we hope to be able to accommodate cruise visits bigger one," he said.

The progress of dredging the BMTH channel and pond phase 2 in packages A and B was recorded at 13.2 percent and 30.8 percent, respectively. Benoa Harbor itself has a strategic position in cruise and yacht shipping routes in Indonesia or known as the Butterfly Route concept.

In its development, Benoa Cruise Terminal at Benoa Harbor as the main part of BMTH is projected to become the largest cruise ship berth in Indonesia, even in Asia.

Benoa Cruise Terminal is also projected to become a maritime tourism center equipped with a yacht marina, yacht club, theme park, sport facility, and equipped with various facilities that support industry and economic activities such as LNG terminal, liquid cargo storage, wet berth, dry berth, Bali. Fish Market, as well as MSME retail.

The development of the Benoa Port in Bali with the BMTH concept is targeted for completion in mid-2023.

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