JAYAPURA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Papua Province stated that the combined inflation rate of the three CPI cities in Bumi Cenderawasih reached 0.73 percent in June 2022.

Head of BPS Papua Province Adriana Helena Carolina said inflation occurred in two CPI cities, namely in Timika and Jayapura City, while in Merauke there was deflation.

"Inflation occurred in Timika and Jayapura City by 1.04 percent and 0.89 percent respectively, then Merauke's deflation was 0.19 percent," he said in Jayapura, Antara, Friday, June 1.

According to Adriana, inflation occurs due to an increase in commodity prices as indicated by an increase in the index of the expenditure group.

"Such as the food, beverage and tobacco group by 1.05 percent, then the transportation group by 3.23 percent, then the recreation, sports and culture group by 2.30 percent and the food and beverage/restaurant supply group by 0.52 percent," he said.

Meanwhile, deflation occurred due to a decrease in prices as indicated by a decrease in the index of expenditure groups such as the personal care and other services group by minus 0.11 percent, then there was also the health group by minus 0.004 percent.

"Then if you look at the inflation rate based on the January-June 2022 calendar year, it is 3.77 percent and the year-to-year inflation rate for June 2022 against June 2021 is 5.59 percent," he said.

Overall, of the 11 expenditure groups, six groups contributed or contributed to inflation and five groups contributed or contributed to deflation to the combined inflation of three CPI cities in Papua Province.

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