JAKARTA - As a state-owned company in the social security sector, PT TASPEN (Persero) is committed to continuously improving service quality and synergies with all stakeholders in order to create optimal services for all participants.

This time, this commitment is realized through the awarding of TASPEN Awards to Regional Governments that have carried out their obligations and optimal services to TASPEN participants, including the West Sumatra Provincial Government as the Best Provincial Government, Magelang City Government, Central Java as the Best City Government and Regency Government Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra as the Best District Government.

This award was handed over directly by the President Director of PT TASPEN (Persero), ANS Kosasih at the Bidakara Hotel, South Jakarta, Thursday 2 June, in a series of activities at the 2022 Regional Finance National Coordination Meeting organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

President Director of PT TASPEN (Persero) ANS Kosasih said the company always gives high appreciation to all Regional Governments, who have implemented web-based SIMGAJI to facilitate integration with various external systems and produce accurate participant data.

"TASPEN awards TASPEN Awards to Regional Governments who have the best attention on TASPEN through timely deposit of participant contributions, issuance of SKPP, top-up of participant benefits, use of SimGAJI, submission of salary data to complete family data. We hope that through this award, we can get more increase the synergy between the Regional Government and TASPEN in order to improve the quality of service to the participants," he said.

The activity of the 2022 Regional Finance National Coordination Meeting with the theme "Accelerating APBD Realization and Increasing the Use of Domestic Production" is expected to trigger enthusiasm for all stakeholders in providing services and carrying out obligations to all participants as well as possible.

In addition, this award proves that TASPEN always strives to provide convenience for the participants, especially for stakeholders, to access and provide excellent service. TASPEN.

Give appreciation to the local government

In this activity, 3 Ambulance units were also handed over as appreciation to the winners of the TASPEN Awards, namely the West Sumatra Provincial Government, Magelang City Government and the Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency Government.

The handover was symbolically given by the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, President Commissioner of PT TASPEN (Persero) Suhardi Alius and President Director of PT TASPEN (Persero) ANS Kosasih. The award was given by TASPEN to the selected Regional Government based on aspects of the timeliness of depositing participant contributions, issuance of SKPP, Top-Up of participant benefits, use of SimGAJI, submission of salary data to complete family data, as well as appreciation for the cooperation and support for the implementation of the entire TASPEN program. and TASPEN Group.

Until now, TASPEN has several excellent programs, among others, TASPEN PESONA, which has actively provided easy access to services for ASN (PNS and PPPK). As of April 2022, 6,610 TASPEN participants have used TASPEN Care services to manage all TASPEN services.

Meanwhile, as many as 31,420 participant claims have been successfully resolved optimally through the E-Claim service. This is concrete evidence that TASPEN always provides the best in digital-based services.

As an effort to intensify the TASPEN Pesona Program, TASPEN has carried out various digital campaigns, such as the Andal Serving campaign which was developed into the Working Hours Podcast program and the Talkshow Program entitled keTASPENan, namely TASPEN Talk. All of these campaigns were implemented on all TASPEN social media, online media, print media, television and the company's internal media channels.

"TASPEN as the Social Security Manager for State Civil Apparatus and State Officials is actively committed to always being at the forefront in presenting a variety of service innovations that are consistent, responsive, and pro-active in services, as well as upholding service reliability for all participants," said Kosasih.

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