JAKARTA - Floriculture or ornamental plants is one of the horticultural commodities that have bright prospects as a leading export commodity. As stated by Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin at the opening ceremony of the Aglaonema Nusantara National Contest in 2022.

"Floricultural plants are one of the horticultural commodities that have high economic value, and have very bright prospects, both as leading export commodities and for domestic marketing," said the Vice President in his online remarks, quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 29.

The vice president said floriculture plants recorded positive export growth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on data from the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI), ornamental plant exports in 2021 are able to record growth of up to 98 percent or reach more than 17 million US dollars.

"Ornamental plants have indeed become a new trend after the pandemic that restricted people's movement outside the home. But more than that, ornamental plants provide many benefits for health and human life, from improving air quality to increasing work productivity," he explained.

The vice president said that one of the prima donna of ornamental plants is aglaonema which has become an attraction for plant lovers. The demand for aglaonema plants in the country continues to increase.

"In where I live, aglaonema plants are also planted, one of which is dona carmen. My wife and I always take good care of these plants," said the vice president.

He said Indonesia is one of the countries in Asia that has a variety of aglaonema species and a producer of quality hybrid aglaonema. Aglaonema has the potential to be developed domestically, especially with the support of the tropical climate in Indonesia.

However, said the Vice President, it is unfortunate because until now, hundreds of thousands of Aglaonema seedlings are still imported from abroad. In fact, according to him, domestic potential is very possible if there are efforts to develop it.

"The government hopes that aglaoema farmers can develop forward, so that we can meet the monthly needs of around 600 thousand trees that are still imported," said the vice president.

The vice president invited all parties to promote Indonesian ornamental plants by meeting the domestic needs of ornamental plants and exporting them to foreign countries.

Meeting the needs of domestic ornamental plants, apart from having great economic potential, is also a process of cultivating various ornamental plants in order to maintain their sustainability.

"To increase the competitiveness of our floriculture products, we must improve the quality of human resources for actors in this field. Starting from farmers to business actors," he said.

In addition, said the Vice President, Indonesia must also encourage innovation to produce products according to consumer demand, with collaboration between various stakeholders for the purposes of training and mentoring ornamental plant farmers.

"Plant contests are an effective way to promote our floriculture products. I congratulate you on organizing the National Aglaonema Nusantara Contest. Hopefully this activity will be the beginning of self-sufficiency in Aglaonema as one of the proud ornamental plants of Indonesia," said the Vice President.

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