JAKARTA - The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) decided to approve the amendment to the company's articles of association.

This is related to the government's move to include Series A Dwiwarna shares to BSI.

This Series A Dwiwarna share is a special share of the Republic of Indonesia which gives special rights to shareholders. This includes approving the approval of the general meeting of shareholders and approving changes to the company's capital.

"We hope that this Dwiwarna share will further strengthen BSI to become a motor for the advancement of the national Islamic finance industry," said BSI President Director Hery Gunardi at a press conference in Jakarta, Friday, May 27.

The AGMS also decided to appoint Bob Tyasika Ananta as Deputy Director of BSI. Previously, the Deputy Director of BSI was held by two directors, namely Deputy Director I BSI Ngatari and Deputy Director II BSI Abdullah Firman Wibowo.

The shareholders also decided to appoint Zaidan Novari as Director of Wholesale Transaction Banking to replace Kusman Yandi.

In addition, the shareholders also appointed Moh Adib as Director of Treasury & International Banking, and appointed Ngatari as Director of Retail Banking.

BSI shareholders also appointed Mohammad Nasir as Independent Commissioner to replace Bangun Sarwito Kusmulyono, and appointed Nizar Ali as Commissioner.

Thus, the composition of the company's commissioners becomes:

-President Commissioner/Independent: Adiwarman Azwar Karim

-Vice President Commissioner/Independent: Muhammad Zainul Majdi

-Independent Commissioner: Komaruddin Hidayat

-Independent Commissioner: Mohamad Nasir*

-Independent Commissioner: M. Arief Rosyid Hasan

-Commissioner: Masduki Baidlowi

-Commissioner: Imam Budi Sarjito

-Commissioner: Sutanto

-Commissioner: Suyanto

-Commissioner: Nizar Ali

Meanwhile, the composition of the company's board of directors is as follows:

-President Director: Hery Gunardi

-Vice President Director: Bob Tyasika Ananta

-Director of Wholesale Transaction Banking: Zaidan Novari*

-Director of Retail Banking: Ngatari

-Director of Sales & Distribution: Anton Sukarna

-Director of Information Technology: Achmad Syafii

-Director of Risk Management: Tiwul Widyastuti

-Director of Compliance & Human Capital: Tribuana Tunggadewi

-Director of Finance & Strategy: Ade Cahyo Nugroho

-Director of Treasury & International Banking: Moh. Adib

The composition of the sharia supervisory board:

-Chairman : Dr. KH. Hasanudin, M.Ag

-Member : Dr. H. Mohamad Hidayat, MBA, MH

-Member : Dr. H. Oni Sahroni, MA

-Members: Prof. DR. KH. Didin Hafidhuddin, MS

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