JAKARTA - The government through the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) estimates that the performance of tax revenues throughout 2022 will again exceed the specified target.

Director of Potential, Compliance and Revenue of DGT Ihsan Priyawibawa believes that this year's tax collection achievement can reach Rp1,485 trillion. This amount is Rp. 220 trillion higher than the target set in the APBN Law which is Rp. 1,265 trillion.

"We estimate that by the end of the year DGT will receive around Rp. 1,485 trillion," he said at a press conference in Jakarta on Friday, May 27.

According to Ihsan, this outlook continues the previous positive trend, where in 2021 tax revenues grew 19.3 percent and managed to exceed the APBN target after 12 years of not being achieved.

"Last year's achievements were supported by the economic recovery, the trend of increasing commodity prices, and improving taxpayer compliance," he said.

For this reason, Ihsan hopes that the conducive situation can continue to run in line with the strengthening of national economic resilience.

"Especially in 2022, tax revenue is expected to continue to improve by exceeding taxes in the pre-pandemic period," he continued.

For information, the realization of tax levies until April 2022 was recorded at IDR 567.69 trillion. This figure rose 51.5 percent on an annual basis (year on year / yoy) from the April 2021 period which amounted to IDR 374.7 trillion.

"Our revenue in April was extraordinary, amounting to Rp. 567 trillion, equivalent to 44.88 percent of this year's target," concluded Ihsan.

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