JAKARTA - The digital investment ecosystem seems now to be tarnished due to some bad news that has occurred recently. This certainly threatens digital financial literacy. In fact, there are still many safe digital investments such as crypto, financial technology (fintech) and others.

Researcher and practitioner of education and publications in the field of financial technology, Gemal AN Panggabean who is also the Head of Research and Editor of Duniafintech.com, said that the decline in the image of digital investment began with the Binomo and QuoteX fraud cases.

This was done by Indra Kenz, Doni Salmanan and friends. Then, other fraud cases such as DNA Pro also affected. This then continued with pessimistic and negative news when the price of Bitcoin, Terra Luna and others fell drastically.

"Reporting becomes the most important domain in digital investment. When digital investment is tarnished like this and occurs for several months, people tend to start switching to non-digital investments," he said, in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, May 25.

In fact, not all digital investments are bad. Even today, there are many types of digital investments that can be used safely and profitably. For this reason, people's trust in digital investment must be regained because not all digital investments are bad.

Gemal said, there are still many Indonesian people who need a place to circulate money or assets in a safe, officially licensed and profitable way. And on the other hand, there are still many types and digital investment platforms that are safe, orderly by government regulations and benefit the people of Indonesia.

One of the most attractive digital investments is crypto assets, such as Bitcoin. It has been recognized by the government as a commodity for trading. Right now, it's just an ordinary drop. And going forward, prices will rise and of course the industry is still optimistic.

"It's the same with other forms of digital investment, such as crowdfunding, P2P lending, stocks, insurance, and others. Current events are just ordinary events where the market is experiencing a downward trend. Digital financial ecosystems such as fintech and crypto or blockchain are sufficient. strong. And going forward, this is still optimistic," he said.

He gave an example of how a licensed fintech as a platform in the pandemic era can be successful and help the people and the Indonesian economy. In fact, Duniafintech.com has also appreciated this by holding the Dunia Fintech Awards regularly every year.

However, conditions such as recent times have made the stakeholders need to be more focused and more massive in educating the public. Education is also carried out to form public opinion about good and safe digital investments.

This education also needs to be done so that people are not deceived again and become a shared moral responsibility. In addition, it is also for the sake of Indonesia's financial literacy which must increase.

"There are many values that can be told to the public about digital investment. They do not fully understand. This is the PR for stakeholders, so that they know what good digital investment looks like. There are many products that can be utilized, such as reporting to the media, social media or directly through seminars and webinars," he explained.

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