JAKARTA - Commission VII of the DPR RI plans to form a working committee (panja) to internally audit the management of PT Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power (SMGP).

This is because gas leaks at the SMGP Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) are not the first time this has occurred.

Deputy Chairperson of Commission VII DPR RI, Maman Abdurahman, assessed that this repeated incident was due to the weak management of SMGP in carrying out health security and environment (HSE) practices.

"I want this to be audited! We have asked for a month to submit it, later it will form a committee and we will audit it entirely," Maman said during the Commission VII Hearing Meeting (RDP) with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the directors of PT Sorik Marapi, Monday, May 23.

Maman said the gas leak incident disrupted the geothermal investment climate in Indonesia.

This is because, he continued, Commission VII is currently pushing to accelerate the discussion of the New Renewable Energy (EBT) Bill.

"If it is not repaired immediately, it will be increasingly difficult to encourage the development of the geothermal industry in Indonesia," continued Maman.

Maman also criticized the lack of supervision by the Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in dealing with this recurring incident.

He proposed that geothermal affairs are separated from the Director-General of EBTKE and a new agency was formed or merged with SKK Migas.

"We have never hindered investment, we are open and supportive. As long as we want to discuss the EBTKE Law and the Oil and Gas Bill," said Maman.

In line with what Maman said, a member of Commission VII DPR Democrats, Muhammad Nasir also proposed to conduct an overall audit on SMGP.

Nasir also said that he received a report that there were contractors who had not been paid by SMGP.

"Maybe this is the cause. So their bills are not paid," added Nasir.

He also asked the government in this case the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to stop and replace the contractor on duty so that the same incident does not happen again.

"I agree with Pak Maman's proposal to separate geothermal affairs from EBTKE, we will gather experts in one agency to review future projects so that the experts can take them seriously," concluded Nasir.

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