Erick Thohir Ensures Close Opportunities For Entrusted Persons In 2022 BUMN Recruitment: Rest Assured, There Is No Such Thing As Sultan's Son
Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir. (Photo: Doc. Ministry of SOEs)

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir ensured that in the 2022 recruitment process with BUMN, he closed opportunities for entrusted people. According to him, the selection was carried out as transparently as possible.

"Recruitment for SOEs, rest assured, there is no such thing as a sultan's son. We are transparent. If the cultivation was wrong at the beginning, how can we look to the future. So we are transparent, there is no entrustment," he said during a briefing for prospective BUMN employees, Wednesday, May 18.

Erick said he had decided that the recruitment with SOEs organized by the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) would open 2,700 positions. Unexpectedly, Erick said, public enthusiasm was very high.

Therefore, Erick also proposed to provide additional vacancies for the internship program. So that there are 2,300 positions opened to accommodate those who want to register for an internship program at BUMN.

"I have decided, this recruitment is 2,700. But because the enthusiasm is extraordinary, there are 2,300 more we provide internship opportunities," he said.

On the same occasion, Erick also emphasized leadership points for prospective BUMN employees. According to him, prospective new employees of state-owned companies must be aware of the changing times. Especially in picking up digitization.

"Therefore, believe me, why do we want to recruit you? Because we encourage SOE millennials, Gen Z, Gen A, that must be the biggest component of BUMN in facing change," he explained.

"We want you to be our family. Because BUMN is the choice of the best people who can join BUMN," he continued.

Erick also gave his appreciation to state-owned companies that have provided opportunities for the younger generation of Indonesia to have a career in BUMN.

"I thank you very much for giving the opportunity for the younger generation to join SOEs, this is something I feel very appreciative of," he said.

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