JAKARTA - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo Regional 3 has prepared 20 passenger terminals to welcome the 2022 Eid homecoming flow, in anticipation of a surge in travelers, especially via sea routes.

Regional Head 3 of Pelindo Ardhy Wahyu Basuki admitted that the easing of travel regulations given by the government was predicted to trigger an increase in the flow of homecomers during the 2022 Eid homecoming.

In response to this, Pelindo Regional 3 has also made a number of preparations, such as the preparation of various security and comfort facilities, to health for prospective travelers arriving or departing from each passenger terminal.

"A number of facilities that are confirmed to be ready include passenger waiting rooms, body temperature checkers, lactation rooms, additional check-in counters to additional guard officers, and CCTV to ensure security for prospective travelers," said Ardhy, in a press release quoted by Antara, Sunday, April 17.

Pelindo Regional 3, also continues to coordinate with a number of stakeholders, so that the Lebaran 2022 homecoming flow, especially by sea, can run smoothly.

"We have confirmed all passenger terminals in our work area. All public facilities, including waiting rooms, breastfeeding rooms, prayer rooms, and health rooms, are confirmed to be ready to serve the Eid homecoming flow this year," said Ardhy.

Ardhy appealed to all parties, especially prospective passengers, to continue to comply with health protocols during travel, especially at the passenger terminal to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Previously, the flow of Lebaran homecoming either via land, air, or sea was predicted to increase in the number of passengers following the loosening of the Eid homecoming rules by the government.

Meanwhile, the passenger terminals under the auspices of Pelindo Regional 3 include Tanjung Intan Terminal, Tanjung Perak Port, Benoa Port, Gilimas Port, Bima, and Sheet Ports.

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