JAKARTA – The development of world energy commodity prices is still filled with uncertainty. Price fluctuations at high levels make the situation unfavorable for business actors. Because the availability of energy is a necessity in productive activities.

One of those affected is the maritime industry sector. In addition to complaints about the skyrocketing fuel price tag, this business segment is also being faced with the mandatory reduction of carbon emissions and exhaust gases.

The former Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar, was well aware of this condition. According to him, there are several initiatives that can be taken to overcome this problem.

"First, designing the hull of the ship which has a smaller drag," he said in a written statement quoted on Sunday, April 17.

Arcandra revealed that through the advancement of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) technology, the hydrodynamics of the ships are now much better than the Titanic.

"A small drag can reduce fuel consumption for the same mileage," he said.

Second by using a smaller engine. For the same mileage, the fuel used can be less, but the speed will be lower.

“A small engine will reduce exhaust emissions. However, with longer mileage, additional costs such as overhead for crew will increase,” he said.

Meanwhile, the third is to utilize the exhaust heat from the engine to generate electricity. He explained that electricity needs are obtained no longer from the main engine but from exhaust gas which has not been utilized so far.

“This way the engine can be operated more efficiently. For the same volume of exhaust emissions but produce greater energy, "he said.

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