JAKARTA – The government through the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani has begun to explain to the public the state financial management plan for next year which is reflected in the 2023 State Budget.

According to the Minister of Finance, the government ensures that the APBN APBN will continue to be present to support economic recovery, assist vulnerable and underprivileged groups, and support the business world, especially small and medium-sized groups.

"State finances will always be responsive in order to reduce global and domestic economic dynamics," he said after meeting the President, quoted on Friday, April 15.

In his explanation, the Minister of Finance explained that the budget allocation for social protection (perlinsos) was prepared between Rp. 349 trillion to Rp. 332 trillion.

An important point in managing the APBN next year is the COVID-19 pandemic factor, which is no longer the government's main and biggest priority.

"Because next year it is estimated that COVID-19 will no longer be a factor, then health spending for non-pandemic will become more important. If this year's health spending that is not related to COVID-19 is Rp. 139 trillion, next year it will be increased to between Rp. 193.7 trillion to Rp. 155 trillion, "he said.

For information, the health budget for the last three years is in an increasing trend due to the pandemic. It is recorded that the health budget in 2019 is Rp. 113 trillion, in 2020 it is Rp. 172 trillion, in 2021 it is Rp. 312 trillion, and in 2022 it is Rp. 255 trillion.

Furthermore, the 2023 increase in health spending that is not related to COVID-19 aims to support reforms in the health sector that will be carried out by the Ministry of Health.

"Especially in providing national health insurance, then increasing health preparedness, supporting the construction of health infrastructure, especially in the regions, and improving health services and reducing stunting, including diseases that are very important to overcome, such as tuberculosis," he said.

On the other hand, the education budget will increase to reach Rp. 595.9 trillion to Rp. 563.6 trillion or higher than 2022, which is Rp. 542.8 trillion.

"This will support various education expenditures, including scholarships for students, namely 20 million students, Smart Indonesia Cards for students as many as 975,300 students to get scholarships, and also to pay professional allowances for teachers and civil servants for teaching professions as many as 264,000 people," closed the Minister of Finance.

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