JAKARTA - The Alfamart manager belonging to the conglomerate Djoko Susanto, PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (AMRT) is collaborating with PT WIR Asia Tbk (WIRG) to expand business reach and improve retail services through the use of metaverse technology. This collaboration is also a company strategy in increasing marketing and providing a better customer experience.

The signing of the memorandum of understanding between the two companies was carried out by the President Director of Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Anggara Hans Prawira and the Executive Chairman and Co-founder of WIR Group Daniel Surya, in Jakarta, Thursday 14 April.

"Today, digital technology has brought new patterns to business, including changes in consumer shopping patterns that were unimaginable before. Without adopting advances in digital technology, it will be difficult for businesses to develop and compete. Alfamart must be able to change perspectives quickly, given the rapid advancement of technology. digital," said Hans in his official statement.

Furthermore, Hans added, the world of metaverse has a lot of potential that can be utilized by business people to develop further. Metaverse will develop as a new place for customers to experience virtual shopping at Alfamart, so Alfamart appointed WIR Group as a partner to work on the metaverse. Moreover, WIR Group already has a world-class reputation and credibility.

"WIR Group's track record is unquestionable and we have chosen the right partner. Since 2015 Alfamart and WIR Group have also jointly innovated to develop a virtual store network called Alfamind. In fact, Alfamart and WIR Group were the first to introduce the use of technology augmented realty on our store shelves that year, through the installation of DAV digital promotional tools," explained Hans.

Meanwhile, Daniel Surya said, the collaboration with Alfamart is a strategic collaboration considering that it has a strong retail network. So, according to him, the company is challenged to present added value with the presence of Alfamart in the metaverse and is able to improve the service experience for Alfamart consumers.

The presence of business sectors with their respective types of business spurs WIR Group to continue to innovate and enhance digital creativity in order to provide the right technology solutions for each industrial sector.

"We have proven capabilities and expertise and are recognized by many countries around the world, where we have completed projects in 20 countries. Our expertise and experience at WIR Group will provide the best solutions for clients at home and abroad. country, which will contribute to the development of the digital economy in Indonesia." said Daniel.

According to him, the participation of retail forces in Indonesia, such as Alfamart, in the metaverse, according to him, is expected to encourage other sectors to follow suit, so as to increase the strong and diverse metaverse ecosystem. On the other hand, the presence of this business power can support the acceleration of digital transformation and the implementation of the digital economy that is planned by the government to be able to prosper the people of Indonesia.

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