JAKARTA - The taxi company belonging to the conglomerate Purnomo Prawiro, PT Blue Bird Tbk announced the results of its 2021 financial performance, which is the achievement of a strong business recovery in the second year after the COVID-19 pandemic took place.

This is in line with the company's responsive steps in welcoming the new normal era which is carried out by implementing transformation, launching various product and service innovations, as well as collaborating with various partners to provide better, safer, and more comfortable trips for passengers and customers.

In its official statement, Tuesday, March 29, Blue Bird announced that it had managed to record a net profit of IDR 8.7 billion in 2021. This figure was a significant increase of 105.3 percent when compared to the same period in the previous year.

Meanwhile, in 2021 Blue Bird managed to record a net income of IDR 2.2 trillion, growing by almost 8.5% percent compared to 2020.

The company's EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) also increased by 42.3 percent compared to the same period in the previous year, from IDR 454.5 billion in 2021. By the end of 2021, Blue Bird's net cash was recorded at IDR 945 billion, an increase of 18.4 percent compared to the end of 2020, which was recorded at IDR 799 billion.

2021 will not be an easy year for Blue Bird. The company's business performance is again tested to reach its best level in line with the dynamics of the mobility restrictions set by the government to reduce the rate of spread of COVID-19 in the first and third quarters of 2021.

In the midst of a global pandemic that hit the transportation sector, Bluebird was not only able to survive but at the same time proved to be able to do a turn-around, wherein just one year from experiencing a big loss in 2020 and then managed to make a profit in 2021.

President Director of PT Blue Bird Tbk, Sigit Djokosoetono said, his party is always trying to adapt to new ways in the transportation business.

"Last year's achievement was the result of hard work, dedication, and professionalism of all people who are members of the Blue Bird family. Through various collaborations and technological improvements to provide a better, safer, and more comfortable trip with Blue Bird", said Sigit.

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