JAKARTA - Central Sulawesi Province received a supply of 293 tons of cooking oil from the Central Government to meet the needs of residents amid soaring commodity prices.
The Head of Domestic Trade Division of Industry and Trade (Perindag) Central Sulawesi, Dony Iwan Setiawan, said the allotment was carried out through a mechanism for appointing three large producers by the Central Government through the relevant ministry in supplying cooking oil.
The three appointed companies are PT Multi Nabati Sulawesi, PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Tbk (PT SMART Tbk), and PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia.
Multi Nabati and Wilmar Nabati are companies belonging to the conglomerate Martua Sitorus. Meanwhile, PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Tbk (PT SMART Tbk) is a producer of Kunci Mas and Filma cooking oil owned by conglomerate Eka Tjipta Widjaja.
"The distribution is ongoing in the field, and this is outside of normal deliveries because it is an additional government intervention to maintain the availability of cooking oil supplies with a total of 293 tons", said Dony, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 7.
He explained that the three producers intervened through distribution to distributors in four points, namely Palu City, Tolitoli Regency, Poso Regency, and Banggai Regency.
The intervention was carried out, as contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) number 6 of 2022 which also regulates the highest retail price (HET) for cooking oil, including bulk oil at IDR 11,500/liter, simple packaging at IDR 13,500/liter, and premium packaging. IDR 14,000/liter.
Furthermore, the Minister of Trade Regulation number 6 of 2022 also regulates the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) and Domestic Price Obligation (DPO) policies as a follow-up step to maintain the stability of cooking oil prices going forward.
"The DMO policy mechanism is mandatory for all producers of cooking oil exporters of 20 percent of their respective export volumes, and a DPO of Rp 9,300/kilogram, for CPO of IDR 10,300/kilogram. Therefore, when distributors sell based on HET prices, they have already made a profit", said Dony.
He also asked the public to be wise in responding to the condition of the availability of cooking oil in markets and shopping places.
"No matter how much supply comes in, if the community is not wise, for example, buying directly for two or three months' needs, the danger will never be enough for the city to supply, so we continue to educate so that product purchases are as needed", he added.
He stated that in the distribution of bulk cooking oil, the Industry and Trade of Central Sulawesi has coordinated with three parties who will be the leading sectors in the distribution, namely PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (RNI), PT Indonesia Trading Company (PPI), and the Central Sulawesi Regional Logistics Agency (Bulog).
"Those three components that have been delegated are the parties who will be responsible for distributing bulk oil, and we have coordinated to map out temporary shelter points from producers before being circulated to markets", said Dony.
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