MANADO - PLN for North, Central and Gorontalo (Suluttenggo) regions is encouraging the development of environmentally friendly ports in North Sulawesi as a support for the implementation of the green energy program which is a priority issue in the G20. PLN and PT Pelabuhan IV Manado," said GM PLN Suluttenggo Leo Basuki, in Manado, Saturday, February 12. He said the presence of SPLiKS was part of the Electrifying Marine program in PLN's efforts to support the development of environmentally friendly ports or green ports. new sustainable port development that is integrated with aspects of environmental sustainability, energy conservation, community development, and the economic interests of the port.

Not only that, Leo hopes that the green infrastructure built by PLN will not only support the energy transition, but also trigger the public to use electric vehicles. Indonesia was chosen to host the G20 Presidency in 2022. The sustainable green energy transition is one of the main focuses in this international event, as a joint efforts to reduce carbon emissions. The members of the G20 are from the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, China, Germany, UK, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Italy, Indonesia , France, Russia, plus the European Union.

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