JAKARTA – The current state-owned enterprises are different from the previous state-owned enterprises. This was confirmed by the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir. He also emphasized that SOEs must be able to provide welfare to the community.

"Nowadays SOEs are carriers that unite all to build economic balance and business growth as well as to ensure the welfare of the people," said Minister Erick in Bandarlampung, Sunday, January 30, quoted from Antara.

According to him, in order to achieve this, SOEs must have the courage to create an ecosystem that involves many elements such as local governments, the private sector and farmers.

According to Erick, in order to form a strong ecosystem, there should be no selfishness and put all interests in the middle.

"It's impossible for the economy to grow if we don't get along well. There can't be an economic balance if the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, so an ecosystem occurs when there is prosperity for all parties," he said.

He said that currently SOEs have started to run a prosperous ecosystem in which there are farmers and a number of state-owned companies as well as related ministries, as well as the private sector.

The Minister of SOEs also asked not to step on each other just for short-term interests and all parties must jointly advance the Indonesian ecosystem.

Therefore, Erick also asked all parties, be it the Ministry, local government and the private sector, to support this prosperous ecosystem, because it is impossible for SOEs to run it alone.

"I make sure that today's SOEs are different from the past because our philosophy was to knit. As the President wants Indonesia to progress, then I add that Indonesia is prosperous and Indonesia is global, so that all prosper in accordance with the Fifth Pancasila," he said.

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