JAKARTA - Director of Legal and Public Relations of the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance Tri Wahyuningsih Retno Mulyani said that starting from the 7-month effective working period of the BLBI Task Force, this team has succeeded in recording results in the form of collection of money/PNBP and property assets.

According to him, until December 31, 2021, the looted proceeds from the obligors/debtors totaling Rp. 9.82 trillion. Of this amount, Rp317.79 billion was in the form of cash.

Then, the value of land assets whose status has been determined/granted to ministries/agencies is Rp. 1.14 trillion, and the value of land assets that have been successfully controlled, either in the form of property assets or confiscated credit guarantee assets, with an estimated value of around Rp. 8.35 trillion.

Assets in the form of land that have been successfully controlled, both from property assets and the delivery of credit guarantee assets from obligors/debtors covering an area of 13.76 million square meters, and land assets whose status has been determined/granted to ministries/agencies in order to carry out state duties and functions. covering an area of 443,970 square meters," he said in an official statement today, Tuesday, January 18.

Although quite large, Tri said that the results recorded by the Task Force were still far from the BLBI funding target of Rp110 trillion.

"The assignment period from the BLBI Task Force is quite short, namely until December 31, 2023. From the results of the work of the BLBI Task Force during 2021, there are still many targets that must be pursued," he said.

Furthermore, he revealed that in the remaining two years, the Task Force must move more quickly to be able to return the state's collection rights for BLBI funds.

"Strict efforts will be made by the BLBI Task Force, such as the confiscation of other assets, the pursuit of companies affiliated with the obligor/debtor, blocking of shares and legal entities, and also the possibility of criminal action against the parties involved who make the transfer of the guaranteed collateral assets as agreed. " he closed.

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