JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Director General of EBTKE ESDM Dadan Kusdiana confirmed that he will start conducting road tests or road tests of vehicles fueled by 40 percent biodiesel (B40) in early February 2022.

Dadan explained, this road test process will last for 5 to 6 months and will involve various parties such as the Ministry of Industry, PT Pertamina (Persero), the Indonesian Automotive Industry Association (Gaikondo), the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), to the Indonesian Biofuels Manufacturers Association (Aprobi).

"The results (of the road test) will then be used as a reference in the implementation of the B40 program later," said Dadan in a virtual press conference, Monday, January 17.

Regarding the mandatory biodiesel policy, Dadan said the domestic use of biodiesel reached 9.3 million KL with the foreign exchange saved in 2021 amounting to IDR 66.54 trillion.

"We continue to increase our mandatory biodiesel policy to reduce imports and save foreign exchange," he added.

Dadan added, the realization of the B30 program has made the government save foreign exchange of IDR 66.54 trillion over the past year.

According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, in the period 2015-2021, the total volume of biodiesel paid for reached 29.14 million kiloliters with a fund of IDR 110 trillion, and the total volume of distribution reached 33.07 million kiloliters.

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