JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) stated that currently, the government has conducted an auction of the assets of the former BLBI that are under state control, including those of Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Suharto.

Most recently, the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) Task Force held an auction on Wednesday, January 12 with the object of offering assets belonging to Tommy Suharto. However, until this news was revealed, the asset reportedly had not received an offer from the buyer.

This was confirmed by the Director of Law and Public Relations of the Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance, Tri Wahyuningsih Retno Mulyani.

"No one has bid yet," she said, quoted on Thursday, January 13.

According to Retno, as a consequence, the government will reschedule the auction agenda for the assets in question. However, it has not been determined when the bidding will resume.

"Considering that until the specified time no one has deposited the auction security deposit, the Committee for State Receivable Affairs (PUPN) for Class 1 State Property Service Office and Auction (KPKNL) Purwakarta Auctions stated there was no interest (TAP)," she said.

Just so you know, the State Receivable Affairs Committee (PUPN) requires a guaranteed value of IDR 1 trillion for this auction and the limit value of the auction is IDR 2.4 trillion.

The following are the four assets of the former BLBI belonging to Tommy Suharto that are about to be auctioned off by the state.

1. One plot of land SHGBNo.3/Kamojing with an area of 518.870 square meters on behalf of PT. Timor Component Industry, located in Kamojing Village.

2. One plot of land SHGB No.4/Kamojing with an area of 530.125.526 square meters under the name of PT. KIA Timor Motors, located in Kamojing Village.

3. One plot of land SHGB No. 5/Cikampek Pusaka with an area of 100.985.15 square meters under the name of PT. KIA Timor Motors, located in the village of Cikampek Pusaka.

4. One area of SHGB No.22/Kalihurip with an area of 98.896.700 square meters on behalf of PT. Timor Motors, located in Kalihurip Village.

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