JAKARTA - The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) affirms its support for law enforcement but still maintains the principle of presumption of innocence. LPEI consistently applies zero tolerance to corruption in the work environment and all LPEI stakeholders.

The Executive Director of LPEI, Rijani Tirtoso, emphasized that LPEI respects the steps taken by law enforcement in handling cases that occur.

"We will follow the process in accordance with applicable regulations and will be cooperative during the legal process as a form of LPEI's responsibility in implementing good corporate governance (GCG)," Rijani said in a written statement, Friday, January 7.

Rijani explained, in order to strengthen the governance and implementation of the LPEI mandate, since 2018 until now the LPEI Management has worked hard to significantly improve all activities by implementing a code of conduct with clear and firm sanctions to prevent irregularities. The institution also strengthens risk management through improving the quality of human resources related to risk awareness, both related to credit risk, operational risk, legal risk including reputation risk, prudential principles and GCG.

A number of initiatives carried out by LPEI in strengthening governance and human resources include collaborating with the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance in implementing the Whistle Blowing System in the WISE application; together with the KPK to record and prevent gratuities in the On-Line Gratification (GOL) application; including ensuring that all LPEI officials report wealth in LHKPN and LPEI reporting reaches 100 percent.

Rijani added, LPEI has renewed the Integrity Pact in 2020 and all LPEI employees are required to sign the said integrity pact. LPEI has also reviewed policies and procedures to prevent opportunities and anticipate acts of corruption, such as: financing manuals; and Know Your Employees and Know Your Customers.

“All levels of LPEI have been committed to always upholding LPEI's cultural values, namely Trustworthy, Reliable, Unique, Service Excellence and Teamwork (TRUST). We also routinely carry out internalization and socialization related to Good Corporate Governance, ethics, etc., for all employees, starting with the induction program for new employees, and continuously monitoring its implementation as well as conducting various awareness and internalization programs through outreach programs and through computer-based programs. training; to ensure that the integrity pact and the principles of doing business ethically can be enforced,” said Rijani.

"For continuous improvement, LPEI intensively consults and builds cooperation with regulators, supervisors and law enforcement officers to encourage LPEI to become a clean and trustworthy institution in carrying out work programs according to the mandate mandated in the law," concluded Rijani.

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