JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance's Directorate General of Customs and Excise will ensure the availability of excise stamps for the 2022 period on time.

Director of Technical and Excise Facilities, Nirwala Dwi Heryanto explained that in Law Number 39 of 2007 concerning Excise, it is stated that one way to pay excise duty is by attaching excise stamps.

"Our efforts include coordinating with the consortium providing excise stamps, daily monitoring, and evaluation, as well as monitoring the production process at the excise band supply factory, namely Perum Peruri," he said in an official statement on Thursday, December 23.

According to Nirwala, a Customs Order (OBC) has been issued for applications for excise stamps from business actors of excisable goods totaling 15 million pieces, including excise stamps on tobacco products (PCHT) and excise stamps on beverages containing ethyl alcohol (PCMMEA).

"Starting Thursday, December 23, 2021, the handover of the 2022 design excise tape will be carried out gradually from Perum Peruri to Customs and then proceed with the distribution process to Customs vertical units," he said.

For information, the government has established a Tobacco Products Excise Policy (CHT) 2022 through two Minister of Finance Regulations (PMK), namely PMK Number 192/PMK.010/21 concerning Excise Tariffs on Tobacco Products in the Form of Cigarettes, Cigars, Leaf Cigarettes or Klobot, and Tobacco. Iris.

Then, PMK Number 193/PMK.010/21 concerning Excise Tariffs on Tobacco Products in the Form of Electric Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Processing Products. This 2022 CHT policy will be effective starting January 1, 2022.

"With the availability of this new excise stamp, it is hoped that manufacturers and importers will not have to worry because the availability of excise stamps is guaranteed in January 2022," Nirwala concluded.

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