JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs believes that the presence of the BRI BUMN Home can be a forum for establishing a digital economy ecosystem through guidance for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to increase the capacity and capability of MSMEs.

The BUMN house is a step of BUMN collaboration in increasing the capacity and capability of MSMEs initiated by the Ministry of BUMN. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk through the SOE House will accelerate MSME players to go modern, go digital and go global.

Deputy for Entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Siti Azizah said the presence of SOE houses was in line with the KemenKopUKM program which is currently redesigning 74 PLUT-KUMKM (Integrated Business Service Centers-Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives) spread throughout Indonesia.

Currently, said Azizah, his party is preparing a big house for cooperatives and MSMEs so that they can continue to grow and develop, one of which is by redesigning 74 PLUT-KUMKM.

"The existence of SOE houses can be a solution in managing economic resources owned by cooperatives and MSMEs in the region. It is hoped that in the future SOE houses can collaborate with PLUT-KUMKM, so that they become a solution for the development of MSMEs in the country," he said, in Jakarta, Friday, 17 December.

Not only that, said Azizah, currently KemenKopUKM is also collaborating with several e-commerce platforms such as Bukalapak, Tokopedia, CrediBook, and others in the MSME Clinic Roadshow Program entitled 'Empower SMEs, Birth New Digital Heroes' supported by partners. other collaborations, including LPDB, Smesco, Pre-Employment Card, and ICCN.

Azizah explained that this was aimed at helping the recovery of the national economy through MSMEs, as well as accelerating the digitalization transformation of MSMEs through training on business access, financing, and access to marketing. In addition, continued Azizah, his party also continues to strive to increase the capacity of MSMEs, through improving the quality and production capacity of MSMEs, joint production house programs (factory sharing), business incubation through incubator institutions, business assistance and consulting.

In 2021, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs through the Deputy for Entrepreneurship has synergized with 11 selected incubator institutions through the facilitation program for the Development of Incubator Institutions and Facilitation of Business Incubation for start-ups that incubate 284 tenants with various kinds of innovative products.

"We hope to collaborate more widely with various parties, including Bank BRI, to participate in the MSME Clinic Roadshow program, and provide access to financing for future business development," he said.

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