JAKARTA - Job Loss Insurance (JKP) has three benefits for workers or workers affected by Termination of Work (PHK). The Director General for the Development of Industrial Relations and Social Security at the Ministry of Manpower, Indah Anggoro Putri, said that workers would benefit from participating in the JKP.

"The first is the benefit of cash or cash for the layoff victim. The second is access to job market information. Then job training or vocational training," said Indah in a public dialogue held by GATRA Media Group on Thursday, November 18.

Indah said that the first benefit in the form of cash was expected to help layoff victims to continue their lives. However, he hopes that within the period of receiving the cash, workers who have been laid off can also look for new jobs or attend training.

For the second benefit, namely access to labor market information, Indah said that this service aims to provide information about job vacancies that can be applied to by workers/labor victims of layoffs.

In the labor market information, the Ministry of Manpower also provides job counseling or consultation services regarding labor market information, including those related to the skills, qualifications, and interests of the workers/laborers.

Then for the third benefit, namely job or vocational training, Indah said that this scheme was implemented with the aim of being able to improve the skills of workers/laborers who had been laid off.

Through this training, workers/labourers who have been laid off can train themselves, either by skilling, re-skilling, or up-skilling schemes. Thus, workers/labor victims of layoffs who have been trained are expected to be able to work again.

"So this is to anticipate changing professions or job changes for laid-off victims if they have to work again. We hope that after the layoffs they will not stop. They must continue their lives," said Indah.

"So for that, you have to prepare yourself. If you can't return to the same job or profession before being laid off, the government offers vocational training facilities or services so that this can be a modality for laid-off victims to prepare themselves through competence and even qualifications. to get a job. Of course we hope for a better job or profession, "he added.

Indah claimed that the Ministry of Manpower did not expect massive layoffs at all. However, a wave of layoffs has the potential to occur at any time, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

"We hope it will not be massive. But if there are layoffs, the government has considered presenting the new JKP policies and programs," said Indah.

Meanwhile, the Director of Services for BP Jamsostek, Roswita Nilakurnia, explained that the JKP program is contained in PP No. 37 of 2021. The regulation is a derivative of Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation.

"The government provides social security to all workers who have been laid off in the form of cash, access to job market information and job training through the JKP program organized by BPJAMSOSTEK," said Roswita.

The JKP benefit provided is cash for (maximum 6 months), which is given every month at 45 percent of wages for the first three months and 25 percent for the following three months.

Workers/laborers must ensure that the wages reported to BP Jamsostek by employers/employers are in accordance with the wages they receive.

If the wages received are not in accordance with the actual, workers will receive JKP compensation according to the amount of wages reported, and the entrepreneur is obliged to pay for the lack of cash benefits.

JKP participants also benefit in the form of access to labor market information in the form of information and job guidance by inter-employment officers through the employment information system.

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