JAKARTA - Mitra Bukalapak launched BukuMitra, a separate application from the SaaS (Software as a Service) feature which has been part of the Mitra Bukalapak application.

BukuMitra provides an opportunity for all micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) from various industries and business types, including food stalls, credit kiosks, food stalls, laundry services, social commerce, and others, to have a bookkeeping system and record debt. which is safe, easy, and efficient.

In addition, BukuMitra also provides promotional media features, where users can create posters, catalogs, business cards, and banners to disseminate information about their business to their colleagues through digital platforms such as messaging apps and social media.

"The Mitra Bukalapak application itself has helped 8.7 million MSME players throughout Indonesia to develop their business from stalls or shops that only sell daily necessities to a place where people can buy game vouchers, make money transfers, pay bills, and even become a shopper. shipping agents. However, often these growing businesses are still managed by traditional bookkeeping methods with a notebook or piece of paper." said President of PT Bukalapak.com Tbk, Teddy Oetomo, in a written statement, Sunday, November 14.

"This method certainly has risks such as lost paper, accidentally wasted or dirty due to something spilled. With all the debt records contained in the paper, these business people have the potential to lose their income," added Teddy.

This is what underlies the birth of the SaaS feature at Mitra Bukalapak. This feature has been used by more than 300,000 users to securely book and record debts.

Based on the success of this feature, Mitra Bukalapak launched the Mitra Buku application so that more small-scale business actors can manage their business more effectively and efficiently. All bookkeeping records of BukuMitra users will also be stored in the Cloud, reducing the risk of data loss if the user suffers a damage or loss of the phone.

Meanwhile, Bambang Brodjonegoro, Commissioner of Bukalapak said that applications such as BukuMitra can contribute to one of the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proclaimed by the United Nations, namely increasing the provision of decent work and economic growth and reducing inequality.

"There are 64 million MSME actors in Indonesia which are estimated to contribute to more than 60 percent of the country's GDP and employ 97 percent of the country's population," said Bambang.

"With the BukuMitra application, it will provide opportunities for MSME players to be able to continue to grow and be in line with modern retail business players in terms of bookkeeping. This will certainly have a positive impact on national economic growth," he added.

Furthermore, BukuMitra also helps create more environmentally friendly business practices among MSMEs due to the reduced use of paper for financial records.

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