JAKARTA - PT PGAS Solution, Pertamina Gas Subholding, is collaborating with the Metrology Directorate of the Indonesian Ministry of Trade to work on Gas Meter Calibration and Recalibration.

This collaboration was marked by the re-signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation, because it started in 2015 and ended in 2021.

The re-signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was carried out by the Director of Operations of PT PGAS Solution by Aldiansyah Idham and the Head of the Testing Center for Measuring, Dosing, Weighing and Equipment Testing Equipment of the Directorate of Metrology Usman.

President Director of PGN Solution Erwin Simanjuntak said, Calibration and Re-calibration are very important for PGN Solution. This is because this is an activity that measures the amount of gas that is received and sold to customers.

"PGN Solution ensures whether this meter is feasible and certified. We hope that this collaboration can be further enhanced. The greater the volume we can record, the sooner we can support PGN's programs, both gas and industrial, and PGN Solution's collaboration with the Metrology Directorate is also getting better. closely," said Erwin in an official statement, Thursday, November 11.

Tera is a test mark on a measuring instrument. Meanwhile, re-calibration is a periodic re-test of the UTTP and the measurements used in trade, so as to ensure the accuracy of each measuring instrument, measuring device, and weighing device. The installation of gas meters belonging to the UTTP Testing Center is a reference for companies engaged in gas trading. Recalibration is carried out for the calibration process, which is a series of activities to determine the conventional truth of the values indicated by measuring instruments and measuring materials by comparing them with national and international measuring standards.

PGN Solution continues to be committed to re-calibrating activities because it is one way to ensure that consumers get goods according to the exchange rate and conditions that should be.

This is done to ensure that the scales or measurements used are correct and correct. Thus, consumers can get goods according to the size they should be and the exchange rate paid.

“This collaboration is a good step in which the Government will utilize PGN Solution's Calibration and Recalibration facilities. In the future, this collaboration will be beneficial for both parties where the Metrology Directorate can provide good services to the community by using PGN Solution facilities so that PGN Solution consumers can also get their gas meters that have been calibrated or recalibrated quickly," said Deni Tresna as USU's Head of Sub-Directorate of Metrology.

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