JAKARTA - The State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged in planning, management, exploitation and protection of forests, Perum Perhutani, is reported to have just inaugurated the Bukit Gambangan Struggle Monument in the Pemangkuan Hutan Resort (RPH) Pemalang, Central Java.

The administrator of the Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) of West Pekalongan, Rani Maharto, said that this step was an effort to commemorate the services of the heroes who had fought and died in that location.

"We hope that the public and visitors to this tourism object can emulate the values of fighting and history inherited by the nation's heroes," he said in a press statement as quoted on Wednesday, November 10.

Rani added, the establishment of a monument in this tourist attraction is also intended to attract more public interest in visiting.

"Hopefully, natural tourist destinations that have existed before will be increasingly in demand," he said.

On the same occasion, Pemalang Regent Mukti Agung Wibowo said this was a form of respect and appreciation for the heroes who had died in fighting for the independence of the country.

"Through the inauguration of the Gambangan Monument, we want the spirit and sacrifice of the heroes to motivate the nation's children," he said.

The opening of the monument to the struggle was also attended by several local officials, such as representatives from the TNI, community leaders, and a number of warrior figures who became historical actors in Pemalang.

For information, on October 11, 1947 in the first Dutch Military Aggression, there was a great battle in this area. At that time, the fighters were said to have succeeded in repelling the Dutch soldiers.

However, Marine Captain Petrus A Rorong and several of the Naval Units and civilians died in the incident.

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