JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) asked the ranks of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) to intensify local food development and encourage local Indonesian food to enter the world market.

“So many of our local food innovations have been developed. Don't just stop at the license. It must continue to the market and can be exported," said Minister of Agriculture Syahrul when opening the 2021 Agro Innovation Fair in Bogor, West Java, quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 7.

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul in the event themed "Synergy of Local Food Agroindustry Transmits the World Market" said that Indonesia has a variety of local food resources. However, he stressed that research and innovation are needed so that local food can be accepted by local and foreign communities.

“Come on, our sago must be able to enter the world market. Likewise, cassava rice and other local processed food products. Let's not depend on imported food," he continued.

The Minister of Agriculture said that local food resources must be increased in terms of productivity and development. Especially now that various parts of the world are being hit by extreme weather.

“The weather is bad, our planet is not doing well. Today we are hit by La Nina, tomorrow it could be El Nino. So we need to prepare for innovation. What local food can be used to meet the needs of the community. What seeds are suitable for the current weather,” he said.

The Minister of Agriculture emphasized that research and innovation are very important in providing national food needs. Therefore, according to him, the role of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency (Balitbangtan) is very crucial.

On the same occasion, the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, revealed the important role of agricultural innovation. Moreover, agricultural land in the city of Bogor is not large.

“Our land is not large, only about 1,044 hectares. Because of that, we are intensifying urban farming,” said Bima.

The city of Bogor, according to Bima, has prepared a Bogor Gardening platform. Currently, there are farmer groups in Bogor that are active in the field of urban farming.

"Not only mothers, but also students," said Bima Arya.

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