JAKARTA - The head of the DKI Jakarta Central Statistics Agency said that the Jakarta economy in the third quarter grew by 2.43 percent. This was conveyed by the Head of BPS DKI Buyung Airlangga.

"In the third quarter of 2021, economic growth in DKI Jakarta year on year (yoy) grew 2.43 percent," said Buyung in a virtual press conference, Friday, November 5.

Then, the economic growth of the Capital City in the third quarter on a quarter to quarter (qtoq) basis in the same year grew by 0.1 percent.

"But if we look at the cumulative growth from the first quarter to the third quarter, the Jakarta economy grew by 3.55 percent," said Buyung.

Buyung said that Jakarta's economic growth from qtoq was relatively stable, starting from the first quarter, it showed a positive trend.

In the first quarter, Jakarta's economy was still minus 1.91 percent. Then, in the second quarter of this year, Buyung said the Jakarta economy was corrected quite sharply with growth of 10.94 percent and rose again in the third quarter at 2.43 percent.

This is different from conditions in 2020. Economic growth in the first quarter of DKI Jakarta 2020 was at 5.04 percent. Then, DKI's economy slumped by minus 8.33 percent in the second quarter. Then, minus 3.89 percent in the third quarter and minus 2.14 percent in the fourth quarter.

"We can see that during 2021, after the second and third quarters the Jakarta economy grew positively. Hopefully in the fourth quarter it can produce relatively good growth," he concluded.

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