JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia provides good news, where interbank transfer fees will be cheaper. From the previous interbank transfer fee of IDR 6.500, it will be reduced to IDR 2.500 per transaction.

Of course, this will benefit banking customers. However, it turns out that this decrease to IDR 2.500 has not yet been applied to all banks in the country.

The reduction in interbank transfer fees applies through various services, ranging from withdrawing interbank transfers through ATMs, internet banking, mobile banking, a maximum fee of IDR 2.500 per transaction will apply.

Bank Indonesia (BI) will start implementing BI Fast Payment or BI Fast in the second week of December this year. Through this system, interbank transfer fees will only be subject to a maximum rate of IDR 2.500.

Assistant Governor of the Head of the BI Payment System Policy Department Filianingsih Hendarta said BI Fast would be applied to various banking financial instruments, so it is not limited to debit or credit cards.

"The instrument can use a credit debit note, it can use electronic money, it can use a card (APMK)," said Fili in a BI Media Taklimat, Wednesday, November 3.

In addition, the application of an interbank transfer fee of IDR 2.500 will apply to all banking channels. However, this will be done gradually.

"You can use mobile banking, you can use ATMs, EDCs, you can internet banking, you can also use agents. Customers can make transactions through various instruments and various payment channels," she added.

Fili explained, in the first stage, customers can use BI Fast for every transaction with a maximum nominal of IDR 250 million. This figure was determined by the central bank considering that BI Fast is focused on retail segment transactions.

Meanwhile, customers who wish to make transactions with a nominal value above IDR 250 million can still use the BI National Clearing System (SKNBI) with a maximum transaction nominal of IDR1 billion.

As for the first phase, BI Fast will be implemented by 22 banks, including applying an interbank transfer fee of IDR 2.500 per transaction in the second week of December 2021. Following are the 22 banks:

1. BTN

2. DBS Indonesia

3. Permata Bank

4. Bank Mandiri

5. Danamon

6. CIMB Niaga

7. BCA

8. HSBC Indonesia

9. UOB Indonesia

10. Bank Mega

11. BNI

12. BSI

13. BRI



16. UUS PemataBank

17. UUS CIMB Niaga

18. UUS Danamon

19. BCA Syariah

20. Bank Sinarmas

21. Citibank NA

22. Bank Woori Saudara

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