JAKARTA - Facebook's new name has been announced. Mark Zuckerberg's company will change its name to Meta. Meta will carry Zuckerberg's big mission in building the metaverse ecosystem. What's that? Have you ever watched the movie Ready Player One?
This name change means that Facebook is no longer the name of the company as a whole - which originally also supervised Instagram and WhatsApp - but only a subsidiary brand that operates the social media service of the same name.
Zuckerberg made this announcement in person in the midst of the Facebook Connect virtual reality and augmented reality conference. According to Zuckerberg, this is in line with his growing focus towards the metaverse, which refers to efforts to combine virtual and augmented reality technology in new online realms.
In addition to better reflecting the company's future ambitions, rebranding is also seen as effective in overhauling Facebook's reputation, after a series of nightmares about managing the company, failing content moderation, and pressure about Facebook's negative effects on the mental health of some users.

"I've been thinking a lot about our identity as we begin the next chapter. Facebook is one of the most widely used products in the history of the world," Zuckerberg said, quoted by CNN, Thursday, October 28 local time.
According to Zuckerberg, although Facebook is an iconic social media brand, Facebook's brand image never really describes what he and the rest of the team do.
"Today we are seen as a social media company ... but in our DNA we are a company that builds technology to connect people. And the metaverse is the next frontier, just like social networks were when we started."
What is metaverse?
In addition to announcing the company name change, Zuckerberg, at the annual event also revealed the latest innovations and research related to augmented and virtual reality. Zuckerberg also reveals more of his vision of the metaverse. Basically, the metaverse is a new concept combining augmented and virtual reality technology in an online platform.
Citing the Wall Street Journal, Facebook shows a series of concept videos that highlight a vision for the metaverse, such as sending a holographic image of ourselves to a concert, with a friend in real life, sitting around a virtual conference table with remote coworkers, or playing an immersive game. with friends.
In a more general sense, the metaverse is a virtual realm designed to resemble the real world. Metaverse has land, buildings, and avatars that can be bought and sold. So far the metaverse is also active in the economy in the context of using cryptocurrencies.
The metaverse is the next evolution of social connection. It's a collective project that will be created by people all over the world, and open to everyone. You’ll be able to socialize, learn, collaborate and play in ways that go beyond what’s possible today. pic.twitter.com/655yFRm8yZ
— Facebook (@Facebook) October 28, 2021
The concept of this metaverse is not new. Neal Stephenson's 1992 novel Snow Crash has raised the story of the metaverse journey of a pair of couriers to save themselves from the dystopia of the capitalist class.
A more contemporary pop culture context is depicted in Steven Spielberg's Ready Player One film. The film depicts the metaverse in a more modern context, depicting the life of the virtual world that is more exciting than the real world.
Ready Player One, since its 2018 release, has immediately exploded discussions about the new future of mankind, of course in a more dramatic context. But from a theoretical point of view, futurists define a number of main characteristics of the metaverse.

1. Persistent
This means that the metaverse runs without pause, reset, and end
2. Realtime
Metaverse can experience realtime even though the events in the metaverse space are pre-designed
3. Economy
Metaverse also works economically. A number of buying and selling activities, services, and product transactions can be carried out with blockchain-based currencies.
4. Open to users
The metaverse space will open to the user. Users will play a full role as the largest content contributor. This is what distinguishes the metaverse from the digital universe, where content is created jointly by companies and users.
5. Bridging the virtual and real worlds
We will be more connected to the digital realm in the concept of a full experience. Yes, this technology will connect the virtual world with the real world through digitizing the actual graphic coordinate link. It's sort of like Pokemon Go on a much crazier level.
*Read other information about TECHNOLOGY or read other interesting writings from Yudhistira Mahabharata.
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