JAKARTA - Various assistance has flowed for people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the assistance provided did not always get a positive response from the community.

One of them happened in Warakas, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. The community was angry when they received assistance in the form of packaged rice with inscriptions deemed insulting.

On the packaged rice, is written a sentence that has the narrative 'dog rice, little man's rice, friendly cat rice'. #Jakartatahanbanting. The word 'dog rice' has various meanings, including assuming that the food is processed dog meat.

The police took the spotlight on this case. Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said the police had investigated the incident. Several witnesses, such as community leaders and groups who distributed the aid, have been questioned.

"The North Jakarta Metro Police asked for information from RT / RW and citizen representatives to hear clarification from the food givers of the ARK QAHAL community based in West Jakarta," said Yusri in Jakarta, Monday, April 27.

The meat and several types of side dishes in the rice have also been examined in the laboratory. All the ingredients used in one packaged rice package only contain halal food such as squid, beef sausage, anchovies, and others.

Regarding the use of the dog symbol, the giver of this food said he did not have any insulting or other intent. The word 'dog' is intended because this animal is loyal. In addition, dog rice is intended because the portion is bigger than cat rice so that it can be consumed for small people to survive.

"There is no insulting element or anything like that. This is all because there is a misperception between the maker, the giver and the receiver," said Yusri.

This dog rice giver has also mediated with a number of Warakas residents. One of the giver of the dog rice apologized which was written on the stamped agreement letter. After this, both parties considered this matter resolved.

Commission III of the DPR RI, Arteria Dahlan, considers that the dog rice polemic arose because of a misunderstanding between the two parties. For him, this problem need not be exaggerated.

"It is very insensitive, especially in the context of providing assistance, let alone the assistance in the form of food for public consumption," said Arteria in her written statement.

Arteria said this misunderstanding arises because the perception of the word 'dog' in society is a bad thing. In fact, in Islam, dogs are forbidden animals to eat. This also considers the recipient of the packaged rice feeling insulted.

"The context is no longer on the content of whether the rice is made with halal or not. But it is more on the inadequacy of labeling the food aid that the community wants to give and eat," said Arteria.

Meanwhile, University of Indonesia sociologist Bayu A. Yulianto. said the "dog rice" aid group was already aware of the risks of using the label. However, they still do it just to get attention from the public.

"They have realized that what they are doing will definitely create a commotion. With this commotion they will get more attention as a community that cares for humanity," said Bayu.

Bayu assessed that the rice giver was deliberately looking for a sensation with the use of the dog symbol, in the hope of quickly gaining popularity from the public.

"So my guess is that they are actually looking for a sensation with the use of the name dog rice," said Bayu.

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