JAKARTA - The material for written questions and interviews in the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment conducted by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) employees became a polemic. This is because there are a number of questions that are deemed irrelevant to the main duties and functions of the anti-graft commission.

This assessment was carried out on 1,351 KPK employees and as a result, 1,274 people passed the requirements, 75 did not meet the requirements, and two did not attend the interview test.

A number of parties stated that the questions in the TWK were irrelevant and intersected with employees' personalities. One of the people who leaked the question material in the assessment was the Chairman of the KPK Employees Forum, Yudi Purnama.

This investigator admits that he was asked whether he as a Muslim would wish him a happy holiday to people of other faiths.

This then surprised him. Because, he is often done giving happy holidays to people of other religions and has become a common thing.

"I was surprised when I had a question about whether I would like to wish people of other faiths a happy holiday," said Yudi in his statement to reporters, Friday, May 7.

As a Muslim, he continued, he was not just giving words. Yudi, who is the Chairman of the KPK WP, often attended Christmas events with employees in his office and even gave remarks.

"In fact, I even invited my wife who was wearing a veil and we were warmly welcomed by celebrating friends," he said.

Not only that, when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, Christmas celebrations were still carried out online. "And I also gave a speech," he said.

He considered that the interviewer should have received information that the habit of saying happy holidays to employees of other religions is something that is usually done either through short messages or in person.

Even so, when he was interviewed in the test, he emphasized that religious differences in the KPK are common. Because, the most important thing is cooperation in eradicating corruption.

"I also showed proof of printed photos of the Christmas activities to the two people who interviewed me as evidence," he said.

"So the radical issues and the Taliban outside are just figments," added the KPK investigator.

Former KPK Spokesperson Febri Diansyah also talked about the interview questions in the test which are one of the requirements for the transfer of status for KPK employees. He received information that there were four odd questions, one of which was whether a KPK employee was willing to become a second wife.

"Is this question appropriate & appropriate to be asked by KPK employees to measure national insight," he said as quoted on his Twitter @febridiansyah.

Apart from being asked whether he is willing to be a second wife, there are other questions such as why he is not married, whether he still has the desire, and if he is dating, what to do.

"If it is true that the question is asked by an interviewer to a KPK employee during the national insight test, I really run out of words and am confused about what exactly is being addressed and what is the meaning of national insight," he said.

Febri urged that the National Insights Test questions and papers participated by thousands of KPK employees be opened. This is a form of transparency.

"Hopefully there will be a complete explanation from the KPK, BKN or Kemenpan about this," he said.

Considered to have no moral, academic and methodological legitimacy

The irregularities in this matter made the former head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Busyro Muqoddas to speak up. According to him, the test that was followed by thousands of KPK employees did not have any legitimacy.

He also said that this test should not be the basis for the KPK leadership to force 75 employees who did not pass to resign from their positions. Because, there is no doubt about the integrity of the tens of people.

"We save the KPK. Do not let the 75 KPK employees be forced to resign under any pretext. Because the national insight test does not have moral, academic and methodological legitimacy," said Busyro in an online discussion broadcast on YouTube, Friday, May 7.

He emphasized that those who also cannot be immediately considered radical and the Taliban, as is considered by many. Moreover, not all of the 75 people who did not qualify were Muslim.

"Of the 75 who have not passed, there are 8. There are 8 KPK employees who are Christians and Buddhists," he said.

"This fact shows that the issue of radicalism and taliban never existed at all," added the corruption activist.

According to him, the issue of radicalism and the Taliban emerged from buzzers. So, he considers what is currently happening is political radicalism.

Executive Director of Amnesty International Indonesia, Usman Hamid assessed the National Insight Test (TWK) which was followed by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) employees as an effort to get rid of those who had different views from the government.

"This test is clearly an attempt to get rid of KPK employees who are considered to have different political views from the government,"

He alluded to the question material in TWK, both written and interview, which are small questions that have the potential to cause division. In fact, this kind of test should be able to arouse a sense of nationality above the struggle for justice.

There were a number of questions in the test he read, such as the opinion of employees about Rizieq Shihab and the disbandment of the banned organization, the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), the dissolution of the Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) organization, to government policies and which policies were not approved.

"This is not a question that arouses a sense of nationality on the basis of the struggle for justice, the struggle for justice," he said.

"Therefore, I say that the national insight manifested in the test is not the national insight inherited by the founders of the nation, but rather the national insight that comes from small, dwarf minds, and those who have been hiding behind national cloaks to cover up the crimes committed," added Usman. .

Therefore, if 75 employees who do not qualify are dismissed, then TWK is considered a form of weakening the KPK. "And this is the latest scandal in an effort to weaken the eradication of corruption, betray reforms, and will further set back the quality of democracy which is already low," he said.

Who is responsible for the questions?

A buzz about material irregularities about TWK was then responded to by the KPK. Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri emphasized that this TWK was held by the State Civil Service Agency (BKN). The material for the questions being asked was not compiled by the KPK.

"The National Civil Service Agency will conduct the National Insight Test. In implementing the TWK, BKN involves the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS-TNI), the Indonesian Army Intelligence Center (Pusintel TNI AD), TNI Psychology Service. The Army (DISPSIAD), and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), "Ali said in his statement.

"All test kits in the form of questions and interview material are prepared by BKN together with these institutions," he added.

Ali explained, before the interview was conducted, the interviewer had equated the perception with the institution. Not only that, the questions given were also developed from written tests that had been carried out by previous employees.

"From the information we received from KPK employees, there are a number of questions that need to be answered by employees, some of which are related to worship procedures and family life choices," he said.

Ali continued this assessment is intended to measure the strengthening of the integrity and neutrality of ASN. However, the KPK still received input from the public who questioned the relevance of some material in interviews that were not related to their main duties and functions.

"And in our opinion, this could be input for the assessment organizers," said Ali.

Likewise, the Head of the TNI Information Center, Maj. Gen. Pranata Santosa, explained that the TWK question for KPK employees was prepared by many parties and led by BKN.

"Technically, the question material conveyed in the ASN KPK test is part of the test questions prepared by the assessment team led by BKN RI chosen by the KPK as a partner," he said.

In the process, internal meetings between other institutions and BKN have also been held. This is to equalize perceptions in preparing the National Insights Test material.

"As stated by the Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Nurul Gufron, to the media that all agencies implementing the assessment have gone through a process of equating perceptions with BKN RI through a series of Joint Internal Meetings with Related Units to Prepare the Assessment," said Pranata.

However, he was reluctant to explain further the process. "Maybe it would be more appropriate to ask the BKN RI directly," he concluded.

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