JAKARTA - Every human being born in the world automatically bears a human right that must be respected by other human beings. As a support for the right that is carried, used reason and conscience given by God Almighty to everyone without exception. Those rights vary, one of which is political rights.

In state life, citizens are entitled to protection, prevention, and the possibility of violations and deprivation of human rights owned by everyone. The state is obliged to ensure the rights of its people are carried out properly.

On the other hand, the people also have the right to choose or participate in determining the future of their country in the manner set by the state. From the slice then came the term political rights.

Understanding political rights

Satjipto Rahardjo explained that the right is the power to protect the interests of everyone given by law. That is, the right is something that must be owned by man and must be given to the person who has it.

Meanwhile, Andrew Heywood's political views are the activities of a nation that aims to create, maintain, and amend the general rules governing his life.

And it can not be separated from the symptoms of conflict and cooperation (politics is the activity trough they live and as such is inextricably linked to the phenomen of conflict and cooperation).

From both understandings, political rights or politics rights in general understanding is the right that people have to participate and play a role in the activities of a country's government.

This right is then closely related to the freedom of participation of the public in elections, both as elected and chosen. Both are done to participate in the activities of the government of a country to regulate the lives of its people.

The existence of such freedom is then interpreted as the right of the individual in his candidacy as a leader. In addition, the right is also associated with the freedom of individuals in choosing legislatures, regents, and also presidents in a country. Rights also include the freedom to establish a political party, a union, and so on.

Rules of human rights in political activities

Public freedom in practical political activities has been regulated in Law 45, which is the guideline of Indonesian law. For example in Article 43 paragraph (1) of Law No. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights.

The article states that every citizen has the right to be elected and vote in elections based on equal rights through direct, public, free, confidential, honest, and fair voting in accordance with the laws and regulations.

The rules clearly govern the freedom of individuals in electoral activities by way of voting. In addition to elections, political rights are also reflected in the freedom to express their opinions in public.

Freedom of public opinion in Indonesia is stipulated in Law No. 9 of 1998 concerning Freedom of Public Opinion. The law was the result of the urging of the people who urged the New Order government which in their power the right was restrained for almost 32 years.

Examples of cases of political rights in Indonesia that are restrained by the government

As is known, political rights are the rights that citizens have where the principle of statehood embraced is the principle of democracy as is the case of Indonesia. That is, anyone who is recorded as an Indonesian citizen has the right to participate in government activities.

In The History of Indonesia, the political right was briefly silenced by the New Order government. At that time political activities were controlled by powerful figures, while the participation of the people was quite limited. One of the restricted such as the right to express opinions that become one of the elements of political activities.

Political freedom in Indonesia then began from the reform movement in 1998 when Suharto's regime in power for decades finally fell. Since then, political rights in Indonesia have gotten better and better.

To support the political rights of the people, Adrianus Bawamenewi in his article entitled Implementation of Political Rights of Citizens mentioned several things that can be done, namely as follows.

Every citizen must be able to take advantage of his rights and obligations as a good citizen, both in terms of voting and being elected, the right to express an opinion, and so forth. Every citizen is given the freedom to participate. The government should be able to protect and supervise the political right as citizens. Participate in elections and participate in criticizing and building the wheels of government. The state gives the means of political rights. The means in question are such as elections or local elections, thus the application of political rights of citizens can be carried out. All predetermined rules in politics must be carried out by all citizens. In this case also for those who do not do political rules may be sanctioned against the person. The state gives recognition to the people to actively participate in determining the form of governance. Provide understanding to every citizen that political rights are very influential for the progress of a country or region in the next 5 years. The government in this case conducted negotiations on the application of political rights of citizens without any speculation in terms of gender, social strata, as well as the improvement of human resources, especially in the field of education and conducting sausageization in each region on the importance of political rights applied especially with the progress of the times or globalization. The state gives recognition to the people to actively participate in determining the form of government implementation. Given the freedom for every citizen to have an equal position in the system of government. The implementation of a democratic system of government The existence of an open and responsible government

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