JAKARTA The chaos within the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) also dragged the name of President Joko Widodo. According to observers, dualism in Kadin's body cannot be separated from political intrigue.

There is no wind without rain, rumors about Kadin holding an Extraordinary National Conference (Munaslub) blowing fast on Friday (13/9/2024). The main agenda shifts General Chair Arsjad Rasjid from his position.

It didn't take long, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Munaslub was actually held, just a day after the issue surfaced. This event was held at the St Regis Hotel Jakarta. In fact, the Second Deputy General for the Organization of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Eka Sastra emphasized that the proposed Munaslub of a number of Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Industry contradicts the articles of association and budget of households or AD/ART.

The Munaslub then gave birth to the dualism of the leadership of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This problem also dragged President Jokowi, but the person concerned asked the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry to resolve internal problems on its own.

"This is not a political organization, this is a business organization, so I ask for it to be resolved internally within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Don't buy the hot ball to me later," said the President.

Political observers say that efforts to remove Arsjad Rasjid from the seat of the Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry are thick with political smells. Meanwhile, in terms of a chaotic economy, this will reduce the reputation and level of public business actors' trust in the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Long story short, in the Munaslub which was held in Jakarta, Anindya Bakrie was elected as the Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Despite the controversy, there was no reason for the participants who were present to determine the eldest son of conglomerate Aburizal Bakrie as the chairman replacing Arsjad Rasjid.

Among those present at the Munaslub last weekend were the Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Anindya Novyan Bakrie, Deputy Head of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Erwin Aksa, and the Head of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Law Enforcement, Defense and Security Agency, Bambang Soesatyo.

They ensure that the Munaslub agenda is in accordance with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's AD/ART. The Chief Executive of the Bayu Munaslub, Priawan Djokosoetono, emphasized that the agenda had fulfilled the quorum.

The dualism of the leadership of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has attracted the attention of many parties, including economists and political analysts. Executive Director of the Center of Economic and Law Studies (Celios) Bhima Yudhistira regretted the internal chaos within the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He considered this situation to have the potential to hinder development because Kadin has a role as a government partner in channeling advice and aspirations from business actors.

The division of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said Bhima, can make the aspirations of business actors not conveyed smoothly to the government. In addition, this leadership dualism can also confuse investors and foreign business actors who want to cooperate and find domestic business partners. This is related to the function of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as a bridge between local and foreign entrepreneurs.

"This will reduce the reputation and level of public business actors' trust in Kadin," said Bhima when contacted by VOI.

Bhima added that this dualism is a conflict that does not really need to occur. The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry should focus on carrying out its duties as a government partner in encouraging economic progress.

"I think Kadin is an association of business actors that has enough credibility. It's a shame if his name is damaged because there is a leadership dualism like now," Bhima added.

Bhima hopes that Kadin can stand upright without intervening short-term political interests.

Meanwhile, the Director of Economics Celios, Nailul Huda, suspects that the chaos of the leadership of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is closely related to support for one of the couples during the last presidential election.

"If we look at it, this is actually very related to the issue of supporting one of the candidate pairs, that we know Arsjad Rasjid as a campaign team from one of the candidate pairs, then there is also Anindya who is included in the winning candidate camp," said Huda.

He said the position of chairman of Kadin was very prestigious. There were several former Kadin leaders who eventually became ministers and some were ambassadors.

"Kita tahu ada beberapa mantan ketua Kadin yang menjadi menteri, menjadi dubes juga pernah, dan sebagainya. Jadi memang ini sangat prestisius posisi itu," ucapnya.

Citing the official website of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, this organization was formed in the New Order, September 24, 1968 and was enacted by Law Number 1 of 1987 as the only parent organization in the business world in the field of state businesses, cooperative businesses and private businesses.

Kadin's business network covers up to Provinces and Regencies/Cities throughout Indonesia. Kadin oversees business associations that cover all business sectors. Kadin's extensive business contact network in all regions makes Kadin a very attractive and strategic partner for business activities, trade and investment.

Arsjad Rasjid is the Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the period 2021-2026. He was elected by acclamation at the eighth National Conference in Southeast Sulawesi. At that time, Arsjad was mentioned with Jokowi and PDI-P Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri, when the relationship between the two was still fine.

Arsjad was then appointed by Megawati as Chair of the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD National Winning Team in the 2024 presidential election. Apart from PDIP, they are supported by PPP, Perindo, and Hanura. This means that Arsjad is against Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka's camp, supported by Gerindra, Golkar, Democrats, and PAN.

On the basis of this background, the chaos within the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is also said to be related to the political world. Adi Prayitno from Indonesian Political Parameters did not rule out the possibility that efforts to remove Arsjad from the seat of chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry were related to power.

"Therefore, for me, any organization in the future, including Kadin, must be independent and neutral. Don't be too careless in political matters," said Adi.

"Any organizations, including businesses, traders, these entrepreneurs must be neutral, not too much involved in political affairs, so that everything is clear," he concluded.

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